Виза в Исландию

Уважаемые заявители.

В 2007 году между Российской Федерацией и Европейским сообществом вступило в действие Соглашение между Европейским сообществом и Российской Федерацией об упрощении выдачи виз гражданам Европейского Союза и Российской Федерации;

25 февраля 2022 г. было принято Решение Совета (ЕС) 2022/333 о частичном приостановлении применения Соглашения между Европейским сообществом и Российской Федерацией об упрощении выдачи виз гражданам Европейского Союза и Российской Федерации;

06 сентября 2022 г. принято Решение Совета Европы о полном приостановлении применения Соглашения между Европейским сообществом и Российской Федерацией об упрощении выдачи виз гражданам Российской Федерации;

09 сентября 2022 г. Сообщением Европейской Комиссии установлены общие рекомендаций по выдаче виз в отношении российских заявителей;

09 сентября 2022 г. в пресс релизе Европейской Комиссии на русском языке обобщены и конкретизированы общие Рекомендации по более строгому оформлению виз для граждан России по факту полной приостановки Соглашения между Европейским сообществом и Российской̆ Федерацией̆ об упрощении выдачи виз гражданам Европейского Союза и Российской̆ Федерации.

Ни в одном из принятых решений и выработанных рекомендаций не установлено строгих критериев определяющих порядок рассмотрения заявлений о выдаче визы.

Формально приостановка Соглашения об упрощении выдачи виз должна привести к возвращению к применению ранее заключенных двусторонних Консульских Конвенций и Соглашений между странами Европы и применению Общей консульской инструкции 1999 года, однако, в настоящее время к рассмотрению заявлений граждан России о выдаче виз не применяется ни одно соглашение.

При рассмотрении заявлений о выдаче виз гражданам России применяются внутренние регламенты стран, а большинстве случаев правила и требования определяются конкретным консульским учреждением руководствуясь общими рекомендациями, а именно: 

- менее оперативная обработка заявлений лиц, у которых нет срочной причины для поездки;

- более длительное время обработки заявлений;

- затребование дополнительных документов;

- более строгое рассмотрение заявлений о выдаче виз;

- более тщательная проверка заявителей на предмет потенциальной угрозы общественному порядку, внутренней безопасности или международным отношениям государства-члена ЕС;

- отказ в выдаче визы в случае сомнений в намерении заявителя покинуть территорию ЕС по истечении срока действия визы; 

- строгий подход при повторной оценке действительных краткосрочных виз, уже выданных гражданам России, и возможное аннулирование имеющихся виз

- принципиальный отказ от выдачи многократных виз с длительным сроком действия, вместо этого выдача однократных виз и/или виз с более коротким сроком действия.

При этом,  ЕС занимает открытую позицию по отношению к российским заявителям на получение виз, совершающим поездки по срочным причинам, в частности, для членов семей граждан ЕС, журналистов, диссидентов и представителей гражданского общества. Указанные директивы призваны стимулировать государства-членов ЕС использовать в таких случаях имеющиеся возможности. Например, в соответствии с визовыми правилами государства-члены ЕС могут принять решение об уменьшении или отмене визового сбора в определённых случаях, что может облегчить поездки для журналистов, диссидентов, школьников, студентов и исследователей.

В связи с вышеизложенной официальной позицией ЕС в отношении заявлений российских граждан, основное значение приобрела приминительная практика по каждой конкретной стране, которая в большинстве содержит не официальные требования и процедуры при подаче заявлений на визу. Однако, в части принятия решений в отношении каждого заявителя каждое конкретное консульство руководствуется внутренним убеждением о возможности или невозможности в выдаче визы. Просим вас с пониманием отнестись к сложившейся ситуации.
В настоящее время мы вынуждены руководствоваться предыдущими требованиями консульских учреждений выработанными за последние 15 лет.
Об особенностях и требованиях действующих в настоящее время вы можете направить запрос любым удобным Вам способом.

Гражданам России и СНГ для въезда в Исландию необходима виза.Герб Исландии / Визы в Исландию / Визы в Исландию для СНГ / www.visatoday.ru

Без визы, на территории стран-участниц Шенгенского соглашения, могут находиться граждане Грузии, Молдавии и Украины до 90 дней в течение каждых 180 дней.

Исландия является членом Шенгенской конвенции.

Шенгенская виза действует в следующих странах:
Австрия, Бельгия, Венгрия, Германия, Греция, Дания, Исландия, Испания, Италия, Латвия, Литва, Лихтенштейн, Люксембург, Мальта, Нидерланды, Норвегия, Польша, Португалия, Словакия, Словения, Финляндия, Франция, Чешская Республика, Швеция, Швейцария и Эстония.

Citizens of the following countries need a visa to visit Iceland:
Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde
Central African Republic
Флаг Исландии / Визы в Исландию / Визы в Исландию для СНГ / www.visatoday.ru
China (Except for holders of diplomatic passports)
Côte dIvoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo


Dominican Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Guinea Bissau
Myanmar (Burma)
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Papua New Guinea
Russia (Except for holders of diplomatic passports)
São Tomé & Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa (Except for holders of diplomatic and service passports)
Sri Lanka
Turkey (Except for holders of diplomatic and service passports)

Who does not need a visa
Nationals of the following countries are exempted from the obligation to carry a visa on arrival in Iceland for a stay of up to three months in all within the Schengen area. The total stay within the Schengen Area must not exceed three months in any period of six months.

The validity of the passport or recognized ID card must be at least three months beyond the proposed stay, except for citizens of EEA/EFTA countries. Those documents only need to be valid beyond the stay in Iceland.

In addition, holders of diplomatic passports, official passports or service passports issued by Turkey are exempt from the obligation of obtaining a visa. Holders of diplomatic passports and service passports issued by South Africa and Diplomatic and official passports issued by Pakistan are exempt from the obligation of obtaining a visa. Holders of diplomatic passports issued by Russia are exempt. Holders of diplomatic passports issued by China are exempt.

Nationals of the following countries need an Airport transit visa when transiting/passing through an airport in Iceland: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, The Peoples Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Sri Lanka. This does not apply however, if the above mentioned nationals have a residence permit in a Schengen country or specific types of permits issued in Great Britain, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, United States, Canada, Japan, Monaco, San Marino or Switzerland and the permits are valid three months longer than intended transiting/passing through an airport in Iceland. 

Recognized refugees and stateless persons residing in an EU country and holding travel documents issued by that country.

Students who need a visa to travel to Iceland, but reside in an EU country which applies EU decision 94/795/JHA of November 30, 1994, when on a field trip accompanied by a teacher from their school.

A foreigner holding a residence permit issued by a Schengen state does not need a visa.

Albania (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia Herzegovina (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
El Salvador
Georgia (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
Great Britain – Including holders of passports for:

  • British nationals (Overseas),
  • British overseas citizens (BOC),
  • British overseas territories citizens (BOTC),
  • British protected persons (BPP),
  • British subjects (BS).

Hong Kong (Only applies to those who carry HKSAR passports)
Macao (Only applies to those who carry MACAOSAR passports)
Macedonia (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
Marshall Islands
Moldova (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
Montenegro (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
New Zealand
San Marino
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Serbia (This applies only to holders of biometric (red) passports, not blue passports or passports issued by the Coordination Directorate (Koodinaciona uprava)
Solomon Islands
South Korea
St. Lucia
St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago
Ukraine (This applies only to holders of biometric passports)
United Arab Emirates
United States of America
Vatican City

Туристическая виза в Исландию
Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-приглашение принимающей стороны;
-справка с места работы;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-обратные билеты. 

При въезде на территорию страны на личном автомобиле, помимо указанных выше документов, необходимо иметь при себе водительское удостоверение, техпаспорт и международный полис обязательного страхования гражданской ответственности владельцев транспортных средств — Green Card.   

Виза для посещения родственников или друзей
Необходимые документы:

-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-приглашение из Исландии, которое должно содержать следующую информацию:

  • Информация о приглашающем лице;
  • Информация о том, кого приглашают (полное имя, номер паспорта); 
  • Цель поездки; 
  • Информация о характере отношений между приглашающем лицом и тем, кого приглашают; 
  • Даты поездки (срок, количество дней); 
  • Информация о финансовой стороне поездки (кто оплачивает расходы); 
  • Копия вида на жительство Исландского паспорта приглашающего лица.

-заполненная форма UTL: где 1 и 2 страницы заполняются приглашающим лицом, 3 страница – заявителем. Согласно данной форме (1 стр.) приглащающее лицо должно приложить к делу заявителя выписку из банка на свое имя или налогоыу декларацию;
-документы, подтверждающие родство (только для визы «Посещение родственников»);
-справка с места работы;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-билеты в оба конца. 

Деловая виза в Исландию
Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-приглашение из Исландии, которое должно содержать следующую информацию:

  • Информация о приглашающей компании или организации;
  • Информация о том, кого приглашают (полное имя, номер паспорта);
  • Цель поездки;
  • Информация о деловых взаимоотношениях; 
  • Даты поездки (срок, количество дней);
  • Подробная программа пребывания (если срок пребывания превышает 14 дней);
  • Информация о финансовой стороне поездки (кто оплачивает расходы).

-справка с места работы;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-билеты в оба конца. 

Виза для участия в КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ (или КОНГРЕССЕ)
Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-приглашение принимающей стороны;
-подтверждение регистрации для оплаты регистрационного взноса;
-справка с места работы;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-билеты в оба конца с закрытыми датами.

Транзитная виза в Исландию
Список стран, граждане которых должны иметь визу для транзита через аэропорты Исландии.

Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-справка с места работы;
-виза в третью страну, если такая требуется;
-билеты в оба конца с закрытыми датами. 

Участники научных, культурных мероприятий и мероприятий, связанных с искусством в Исландии
Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-письменный запрос от принимающей организации об участии в мероприятии с указанием дат проведения и роли приглашаемых лиц;
-заявление о спонсорстве от отправляющей или от принимающей стороны, если таковое не было включено в запрос (или другое подтверждение наличия финансовых средств);
-билеты в оба конца. 

Виза для участия в международных спортивных мероприятий в Исландии и сопровождающие лица в своем профессиональном качестве
Необходимые документы:
-загранпаспорт, действительный не менее 3 месяцев с момента выезда из Шенгенского пространства и имеющий как минимум две свободные страницы;

-копии страницы загранпаспорта с визами, штампами, отметками;
-аннулированный паспорт, если имеется;
-анкета, заполненная на английском языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 35х45 мм.;
-копии всех  страниц другого действующего и/или аннулированных загранпаспортов;
-копии всех страниц внутреннего паспорта;
-медицинская страховка (сумма страхования - не менее 30 000 евро);

-письменный запрос от принимающей организации (компетентного органа, национальной спортивной федерации или национального Олимпийского комитета), включающий информацию о роли данных лиц в мероприятии;
-сопроводительное письмо из спортивной федерации; 
-сопроводительное письмо из спортивной школы или спортивного клуба; 
-документ, подтверждающий спортивную квалификацию;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 50 евро на человека в сутки);
-заявление о спонсорстве от отправляющей или от принимающей стороны, если таковое не было включено в запрос (или другое подтверждение наличия финансовых средств);
-билеты в оба конца.

Residence permits
Residence permits are issued based on the Act on Foreigners no. 96/2002, as amended, and the Regulation on Foreigners no. 53/2003, with further/later amendments.

A foreigner from a country outside of the European Economic Area and/or EFTA, who plans to stay in Iceland for more than three months, must have a valid residence permit.
The following countries are members of the European Economic Area (EEA):
Czech Republic
Great Britain
Switzerland – Citizens of Switzerland enjoy the same rights as EEA nationals.

Citizens from the EEA and EFTA states do not need a special residence permit to stay in Iceland, but must register with Registers Iceland.  Information regarding the permanent stay of EEA and/or EFTA citizens can be found here. Please note that family members of an EEA and/or EFTA citizen who is a third country national need to apply for a residence permit at the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration.

The conditions that need to be met before a residence permit is issued can be split into two categories. Basic requirements, according to article 11 of the Act on Foreigners and detailed requirements relating to each category of residence permits, according to articles 12 – 12 f of the Act on Foreigners.  Please be aware of the special conditions required for acquiring a permanent residence permit.

Applicants are encouraged to find out what requirements need to be met for the specific residence permit they are applying for, what documents need to be submitted and how these should be presented. It accelerates the process of an application if all documents submitted with the application are as required by the Directorate.  Applications that are submitted with all documents in order receive priority.

Types of residence permits:

  • Family reunification

Spouse /cohabiting partner
Child under 18 years old
Parent 67 years of age or older
Parent of a child under 18 years

  • Work

Work requiring expert knowledge
Shortage of workers
Qualified professionals on grounds of collaboration and service contracts.

  • Study/Education

Au pair
Special ties
Legitimate and special purpose
Permanent residence permit
Registration of EEA and/or EFTA citizens

Residence permit not required 
Please note that with the new Act on Foreigners that will take effect January 1st 2017, there will no longer be an exemption as is now in Article 49 of the Act on Foreigners. Those who have been allowed to stay in Iceland without residence permit before the new Act takes effect will keep that right.

Primarily, citizens of countries outside of the EEA and EFTA who plan to dwell in Iceland for more than three months, are required to have residence permits.

The following citizens are allowed to stay in Iceland without a residence permit:

Citizens of other Nordic countries:

  • Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish citizens

Individuals who were born Icelandic citizens:

  • An individual who had an Icelandic citizenship at birth but has lost it or renounced it.

Children of Icelandic Parents:

  • An individual who has an Icelandic citizen as a parent, if he/she has lived here and had a valid continuous residence permit for two years.  Conditions are:

The individual must have been in Iceland legally and had a continuous residence permit for at least two years.
The parent must have had an Icelandic citizenship for at least 5 years.
The age of this individual is unimportant, he/she can be an adult or a child.

  • An individual who is an adult, whos parent is an Icelandic citizen, if he/she has been a resident in Iceland with a continuous residence permit for at least 5 years.

That is to say, an individual who has stayed in Iceland legally and had a continuous residence permit for at least 5 years.
Has parent who is an Icelandic citizen.
It does not matter how long the parent has been an Icelandic citizen, only that the parent has Icelandic citizenship.


  • An individual who is married to an Icelandic citizen and has lived with his/her spouse in Iceland and had a continuous residence permit for three years after marriage.
  • It does not matter how long the Icelandic spouse has been an Icelandic citizen.
  • If a spouse is granted Icelandic citizenship, the other partner does not need to apply for a residence permit if both parties have resided in Iceland for three years after marriage.

Registered cohabitation:

  • An individual who lives in registered cohabitation with an Icelandic citizen and has resided in Iceland and had a continuous residence permit for five years from the time the cohabitation was registered. Both parties must be unwed and the Icelandic citizen must have had Icelandic citizenship for at least five years.

Application process

The applicant submits an application
The applicant checks if he/she fulfils the requirements of a residence permit.  General information about residence permits can be found here.

Applications for a residence permit and checklists can be found on the Directorates website or at the Directorates office during office hours.

The applicant must check if he/she is permitted to be in the country while his/her application is being processed. Different regulations apply to each type of residence permit.

The applicant must fill out the application and obtain the accompanying documents according to the checklist associated with his/her application. Some documents may be required from abroad (in most cases certificates) and from Iceland. Icelandic documents are mostly procured from Registers Iceland, District Commissioners, Directorate of Customs, schools, local municipal offices, and the Directorate of Internal Revenue.

Certain documents require an apostille certification or a double authentication by the home countrys ministry for foreign affairs and the embassy of the relevant state in Iceland, or the nearest embassy.

Please note that a translation is required of all certificates which are not in English or one of the languages of the Nordic countries. The translation should be an original and must be by a certified/sworn translator.

Processing of an application
When payment of the handling fee for an application has been confirmed, the application procedure begins. The processing time of an application can be up to 90 days from the time all requirements have been fulfilled and all documents deemed satisfactory.

Applications that meet all requirements and include satisfactory documents are given priority, but all applications are processed as quickly as possible.

Applicants are encouraged to be aware of all requirements of the residence permit they apply for, which documents are needed to support the application and how best to present the documents required to accelerate the procedure.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit satisfactory documents that fulfil all requirements.  If, while the application is being processed, documents are found to be unsatisfactory or missing, a letter is sent to the applicant with explanations and requests for what is missing or lacking and a deadline is set for the submission of those documents. When documents are lacking or unsatisfactory the processing of the application is halted due to this. If the applicant does not submit the requested documents and respect the deadline given, the application is refused due to missing documents and unfulfilled requirements.

Request for accelerated processing
Applicants are permitted to ask for accelerated processing of their applications. This must be done in writing with reasoned justification and submitted in its original to the Directorate. Requests will be answered within 1 - 2 weeks.

Please note that requests for accelerated processing are only approved within very strict circumstances.  The reason for the request of accelerated processing must be due to dire external circumstances which imply the necessity of processing a certain application ahead of any other application.

Precondition of accelerated processing is that all relevant documents be submitted with the application.

Reasons for accelerated processing are for example, the serious illness of the applicant; the serious illness of an immediate family member or perhaps a natural disaster. The fact that an application was submitted too late for renewal, a planned trip abroad, whether for a holiday or for business, are not considered reasons for accelerated processing.

The denial of accelerated processing of an application cannot be appealed to the Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board as it is not a conclusive decision as defined by article 26 of the Administrative Procedures Act.

First residence permit
If the applicant fulfils all conditions of a residence permit, the permit is granted/issued. Residence permits are issued for one year at a time.

After the applicant has been granted a residence permit for the first time an announcement stating the granting of a residence permit is sent to the applicant. If the applicant requires a visa to enter the country, a D-visa is issued and sent to the issuing Embassy stated in the applicants application. The announcement declaring the granting of a residence permit also states that:

  • The applicant has to be photographed in order to be issued a residence permit card. The photo can be taken at the Directorate of Immigration office or at the offices of the District Commissioners outside the capital area. Please note that photos cannot be taken at the office of the Reykjavik District Commissioner. 
  • The applicant needs to undergo a medical exam within two weeks from entering Iceland. The medical exam must be in accordance to the Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases. Applicants from certain countries are exempt from having to ungergo a medical exam.

When the applicant has been photographed and the medical exam certificate has been submitted to the Directorate, the residence permit is issued and the residence permit card ordered. The manufacturing of the residence permit card takes on average around 10 days and is sent by post to the address in Iceland stated by the applicant in his/her application.

If the applicant has not been photographed and/or had a medical exam within two months of his/her arrival in Iceland, the residence permit will not be issued and the applicants stay in Iceland will be deemed illegal. Illegal stay in Iceland can result in expulsion and a prohibition of re-entry according to Article 20 of the Act on Foreigners no. 96/2002.

Renewal of a residence permit
The applicant must be in Iceland when submitting an application for renewal of a residence permit. The applicant must show up in person at the Directorate of Immigration or at a District Commissioners office to submit his/her application and be photographed.

The processing time of a renewal is no more than 90 days, when all documents have been submitted and deemed satisfactory. If all documents are submitted with the application, the processing time is generally much shorter.

The Directorate of Immigration orders a residence permit card, when the application has been fully processed, which is then sent to the applicants legal address.

If the applicant does not fulfil all the conditions of a residence permit, the application is denied. The applicant must fulfil all basic requirements for a residence permit as well as any special requirements of the specific residence permit type for which he/she is applying. If the requested documents are not satisfactory, the Directorate of Immigration is not allowed to issue a residence permit. This is true for example if the Directorate of Labour denies an application for a work permit, or when the applicant has insufficient financial support.

All decisions to deny applications for residence permits in Iceland are delivered in writing by the Directorate of Immigration and can be appealed to the Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board. 

Decisions to deny a residence permit are sent by certified mail to the applicant.

When a residence permit application has been denied, the applicant has 30 days to leave the country before his stay in Iceland is deemed illegal. Illegal stay in Iceland can result in expulsion and a prohibition of re-entry according to Article 20 of the Act on Foreigners no. 96/2002.

If the applicant thinks he/she fulfils the requirements of a residence permit of a different type than the one formerly denied, he/she can submit an application to the Directorate within 30 days of receiving the denial. The applicant is not allowed to be in the country while the new application is being processed. If the applicant is unwilling to leave the country while the new application is being processed, a written request for exemption must be submitted to the Directorate. Each request is then viewed individually and a decision made whether to grant exemption or deny.

Decision appealed
If an application for a residence permit is denied the applicant can appeal the decision to the Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board. The applicant has 15 days to appeal a decision.

Suspension of Implementation
Appealing a decision made by the Directorate of Immigration does not suspend its implementation except in circumstances where an appeal directly suspends implementation of a decision according to Article 31 of the Act on Foreigners:

  • If a permanent residence permit is denied
  • If the denial is for the renewal of a residence permit which falls under Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Act on Foreigners.

In any other instance the suspension of implementation of a denied decision is in accordance with Article 29 of the Administrative Procedures Act. The applicant can appeal the decision to the Immigration and Asylum Appeals Board.

In the cases where an appeal automatically suspends implementation, the applicant will not be required to leave the country while his case is being processed and he/she has the same legal status as if the application had not been denied. If an appeal does not suspend implementation, an applicant who has been denied a residence permit must leave the country within the timeframe given, or his/her stay in Iceland will be deemed illegal.

Basic requirements
The basic requirements for obtaining a temporary residence permit are stated in Article 11 of Act no. 96/2002 on Foreigners, and Chapter VII of Regulation no. 53/2003. A more simple clarification and check list are contained in each residence-permit category.
Please note that not all documents of the basic requirements have to be submitted when renewing a temporary residence permit.

- Article 11, paragraph 1, item a, of the Act on Foreigners and Article 42 of the Regulation on Foreigners.

Amount of support.
The Icelandic Directorate of Immigration focuses on the minimum support criteria (minimum amount for paying ones daily needs) of the Reykjavík City´s Department of Welfare. Today´s focus is on the minimum support criteria of December 18th 2015:

  • Individual: ISK 180,550 per month
  • Couple: ISK 270,825 per month

No special support amount is calculated for children and the criteria above (the amounts) are therefore unchanged although there are children, one or more, in the household.

Period of support
A foreign nationals support must be secured during the period of stay in Iceland. A residence permit is generally issued for one year at a time; however, residence permits for students are only issued for 6 months at a time. A foreign national must therefore be able to prove capability of support for a period of one year.

Who must prove capability of support?
All applicants for a residence permit must show independent capability of support, except in the following exceptional instances:

  • A child under the age of 18 who is supported by his/her parent or custodian who resides in Iceland.
  • An individual at the age of 18-20, who has had valid continous residence permit in Iceland as a child, is now studying, however, lives with a parent or custodian. Note that the support criteria here is 50% of the minimum support of an individual adult, i.e. ISK 90,275 per month in addition to own support which a parent or a custodian must have for the other members of the family and him-/herself.
  • The spouse of an Icelandic national or a foreign national. Due to the support duty of married couples, according to Act no. 31/1993 in Respect of Marriage, it is sufficient if one party to the marriage shows sufficient support for both parties. Note that cohabitation (living together without being married) does not equal marriage in this respect, as there is no support duty between cohabiters and therefore the applicant must illustrate independent support.
  • Relatives (parent, grandfather, grandmother, great grandfather and great grandmother) who are older than 67 and are supported by his/her child or children in Iceland.
  • The host family of an individual in its employment must illustrate support for the employed person. Additional support is based on 50% minimum support of an individual adult, ISK 90,275, plus the wage expenses of the employed person/au pair, ISK 40,000, per every four weeks of employment.

- Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Act on Foreigners

Support can come from more than one source to be considered satisfactory, for example, wages and own money.

Wages or income from independent activities
An applicant must submit an original employment contract and an application for a work permit. If an applicant is supported by another person he/she must submit an employment contract. Note that the authorization of a foreign national to provide for others on grounds of independent activities is limited. According to Act no. 97/2002 on Foreign Nationals Right to Work, only a foreign national who has an unrestricted work permit can engage in independent work activities.

Pay-slips for the last three months
Pay-slips, printouts from an online bank, are sufficient. The pay-as-you-earn tax (withholding tax), however, must be paid on the wages; otherwise the pay-slips are considered to be meaningless. The Directorate of Immigration checks with the tax authority as to whether the pay-as-you-earn tax has been paid up to date. If an applicant is supported by another person he/she must submit pay-slips for the last three months to fulfill the same requirements as listed here.

Secure regular payments for support
Such payments can be payments from the Social Insurance Administration because of disability, unemployment payments, rental payments, and grants, which the applicant receives, for example, on grounds of research work. This is not a complete list of payments that may apply under this category.

Sufficient own money for support
The balance of an applicant or his/her provider, at a bank in Iceland or abroad, which is in a currency that is registered with the Central Bank of Iceland and may be withdrawn and used for support during the time of stay. An original bank statement showing the amount of the balance must be confirmed by the bank in question. Information about the registration of currencies is contained at the Central Bank of Iceland. A printout of a bank statement from an online bank is not a sufficient confirmation.

A study grant or study loan
If an applicant has received a grant/scholarship or a study loan, such payments are considered to be sufficient support if their amounts reach the aforementioned minimum criteria for support. A study grant or study loan must be in a currency that is ackowledged by the Central Bank of Iceland. A confirmation must be submitted showing the payments of loans from the relevant credit institution and a confirmation of a grant by the grantor as appropriate.

The following is not deemed as sufficient support
Payments in the form of social aid by a state or a municipality are not considered secure means of support. Support by a third party, i.e. in other instances than stated in this section, is not secure means of support. Assets other than bank balances are not considered to be secure support (for example, real estate), and dividents from corporations, interest or other payments whose availability for payment is not secure, is not considered to be secure support.

- Article 11, paragraph 1 a, of the Act on Foreigners

A confirmation by an insurance company must be submitted to the effect that an applicant has purchased a six-month health insurance at the minimum amount of ISK 2,000,000. The insurance company must be licensed to operate in Iceland and the first day of validity of the insurance must be the date of a residence permit being granted. After such time the Icelandic social insurance system becomes accessible. The Icelandic insurance companies send health insurances directly to the Directorate of Immigration when they have been accepted and paid.

The insurance must be valid for at least six months from the date of the registration of a legal address, or until the holder of the insurance has earned the right to be health insured in Iceland. Further information is provided by the insurance companies; Sjóvá, TM, VÍS and Vörður.

Children and adolescents under the age of 18 are health insured together with their parents or custodians. The same applies to adoptive children, stepchildren and fosterchildren.

Persons who are not health insured have to pay more for health services.

- Article 11, paragraph 1 a, of the Act on Foreigners and Article 44 of the Regulation on Foreigners

Secure housing is shown with the presentation of a housing certificate, a lease agreement or other documents showing that the applicant is authorized to live in housing that fulfills the provisions of the health and safety regulations (for example, it is not permitted to live in commercial or industrial housing). The certificate must be in original format, signed by the formally registered owners of the house and witnessed by two persons.

It must be stated in the application for a residence permit if an applicant intends to stay in own housing or the housing of his/her spouse. In such an instance a housing certificate needs not be submitted.

- Article 11, paragraph 1 d, of the Act on Foreigners

No circumstances must exist that could cause an applicant being refused entry into Iceland
An applicant must submit a criminal record certificate covering at least the last five years. If an applicant has resided in more than one state during the period, criminal record certificates from all of them must be submitted. An applicant who has lived in three states, for example, must submit a criminal record from each of the three states. A criminal record certificate may not be older than six months when submitted to the Directorate of Immigration. Different rules may apply in various states regarding the issuance of a criminal record certificate. A criminal record certificate must be issued by the central authority issuing such certificates based on the central database. The certificate must show that a search has taken place in a countrys central repository, not only locally. In the USA it is not sufficient to submit a criminal record certificate from US state police. The certificate must be issued by the FBI and show that a search has taken place in the criminal records of all the states in the United States. This is also the case in other countries where more than one authority can issue criminal records. Applicants should contact the Directorate of Immigration if there is any doubt about the format of a criminal record certificate.

Applicants who have resided in the United States or Canada must submit criminal record certificates with fingerprint registration (they must appear in person for fingerprinting).

Criminal record certificates shall be certified, either with an apostille certification or a double stamp by the home states ministry for foreign affairs and the embassy of the relevant state in Iceland, or the nearest embassy.

- Article 11, paragraph 1 c, of the Act on Foreigners

Applicants from certain states have to consent to undergo a medical examination within two weeks from arrival in Iceland in conformity with law and instructions by the health authorities. If an applicant does not undergo medical examination when required to do so by the Directorate of Health, a residence permit will not be issued and the relevant applicants access to the social insurance system etc. will not be activated. Additionally, his/her stay in Iceland becomes unlawful and the applicant may expect to be refused entry or be expelled from Iceland.

Within two weeks of arrival in Iceland the applicant must go to the Directorate of Immigration to have his/her picture taken, or to an office of a District Commissioner outside the capital area. Please note that photos cannot be taken at the office of the Reykjavik District Commissioner. The applicant must bring his/her passport to confirm his/her identity. Such photography is necessary in order to enable the authorities to issue a residence permit ID card and to finalize the issuance of a residence permit. Making a reservation for having ones picture taken is not necessary; instead the applicant should appear at the offices of the Directorate of Immigration or the nearest district commissioners office during opening hours. If an applicant does not have his/her picture taken a residence permit will not be issued and the applicants access to the social insurance system etc. will not be activated. Additionally, the applicants stay in Iceland becomes unlawful and he/she may expect refusal of entry into the country or expulsion.

Applicants must fulfill the special requirements of a residence permit for which an application is made.

Special requirements in addition to the basic requirements that have been listed herein include, for example, how a student must illustrate his/her registration in school, and how a spouse must submit a confirmation of marriage.

Detailed requirements
Applicants must furthermore fulfil the special requirements for the residence permit applied for on grounds of Article 12 – Article 12, item d, of the Act on Foreigners, as well as Article 13. A residence permit may also be granted on grounds of the exemption clauses of Article 11, paragraph 3, and Article 12, item f. These provisions are also discussed herein.

Note that this website contains detailed information about the specific requirements for residence permits. A list of the documents that must be submitted with an application for a residence permit is on a page attached to every type of residence permit.

Please Note, that for all documents issued in a language other than English or one of the Nordic languages, a translation by a certifies/sworn translator must also be submitted. This translation must be an original and certified by the relevant authorities. It is the applicants responsibility to have the certificates translated and paid for.

The Directorate of Immigration requests an authentication of foreign documents as listed below. Authentication can be either an „apostille“ from the applicants home country, or a double authentication from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the home country and the embassy of that country in Iceland, or the embassy accredited to Iceland if the country does not have an embassy in Iceland:

  • Criminal record certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Marital status certificate
  • Certificate on cohabitation
  • Birth certificate
  • Child custody documents
  • Death certificate
  • Divorce documents

An applicant for a residence and work permit must fulfil all basic requirements for a residence permit, as well as for receiving a work permit issued by the Directorate of Labour.

Application for a work permit and employment contracts
Work permits are issued on grounds of Act no. 97/2002 on Foreign Nationals Right to Work. The Directorate of Labour is responsible for issuing work permits in Iceland. An application for a work permit is submitted to the Directorate of Immigration, which sends it to the Directorate of Labour if the applicant fulfils all the requirements for a residence permit or permanent residence permit, according to the Act on Foreigners. The relevant application for a work permit shall be submitted to the Directorate of Immigration together with other accompanying documents relating to residence/permanent resident permits.

The following types of residence permits are based either on employment or allow employment, and require the applicant to apply for a work permit:

  • Residence permit for a specialist, according to Article 12.

Residence permit for a spouse or partner of the specialist, according to Article 13.

  • Residence permit on grounds of a temporary shortage of labour, according to Article 12 a.
  • Residence permit for athletes, according to Article 12 b.
  • Residence permit because of studies, according to Article 12 e.
  • Residence permit on humanitarian grounds or special ties to Iceland, according to Article 12 f.

Residence permit for a family member of an individual who has an Article 12 f permit, according to Article 13.

  • Residence permit on grounds of lawful and special purpose, according to Article 11, paragraph 3.
  • Residence permit of the spouse of a holder of a permanent residence permit, according to Article 13.
  • Residence permit for a cohabitant of an Icelandic national, according to Article 13.
  • Residence permit for children older than 18 years, according to Article 13.
  • Permanent residence permit, according to Article 15.

Applications for a work permit and an employment contract must be in original format and signed by both the applicant and the employer if such a requirement is stated on the application form.

Residence permits on grounds of au-pair engagements are issued in accordance with Article 12 d, of the Act on Foreigners. The applicant must fulfil all the basic requirements, stated in Article 11, and also the special requirements, according to Article 12 d.

Au-pair engagement is viewed as a type of cultural exchange. The Au-pair must live in the home of the host family for the duration of stay in Iceland.

The applicant must have reached the age of 18 when the application must be between the ages of 18 and 25 when applying for an au-pair residence permit in Iceland.  A signed au-pair contract between the host family and the applicant must be submitted.  The contract shall state the contracts period of validity, the benefits which the applicant shall receive from the host family, such as meals, housing, daily working hours, daily rest periods, the right to study, and provisions on health and accident insurance. Note that this model contract is old and that some of the provisions may be outdated. For further information on au pair engagement, applicants are invited to contact the Directorate of Immigration. The applicants meals and housing with the host family shall be free of charge and the applicant shall have a private room at the house. The host family shall furthermore ensure that the applicant gets sufficient time to study Icelandic and to engage in leisure activities.

An applicant may not work on the general labour market.

An applicant who wishes to leave the au pair engagement, must inform the Directorate of Immigration of this. If an intermediary has handled the au pair engagement, he/she shall also be informed of the termination of this engagement.

The applicant pays for the airline ticket to and from Iceland, however, the applicant and the host family may decide on another arrangement. In instances where au pair engagement is terminated or if an applicant is incapable of carrying out his/her duties due to illness or an accident, the host family shall guarantee the payment of the au pair engaged persons return back to his/her home country.

Note that a residence permit under the au pair engagement program is issued for a maximum of one year and cannot be renewed after its expiration.

An individual who has a residence permit on grounds of au pair engagement cannot get a residence permit on grounds of Article 12 to Article 12 c, until two years after the expiry of a residence permit on grounds of au pair engagement (specialists, temporary shortage of labour, and athletes).

An applicant for family reunification must fulfil all basic requirements for a residence permit, as well as the specific requirements stated in Article 13 of the Act on Foreigners.

A relative of an Icelandic national, other Nordic nationals residing in Iceland, or a foreign national staying in Iceland in as a specialist, athlete, a PhD student, a general student who is an US national or on grounds of a humanitarian permit, special ties to Iceland or permanent residence permit, may apply for a residence permit.

Immediate family members are: the spouse (husband/wife); cohabiting spouse; the children of the person concerned who are under the age of 18, are supported by him/her and in his/her custody; and his/her relatives, or those of his/her spouse, in a direct line of descent, who are 67 or older and are supported by them financially.

Spouse and cohabiting spouse
Please note that not all the same rules apply to a spouse in marriage and a spouse in cohabitation.

A spouse must fulfil all basic requirements of a residence permit; additionally a marriage certificate must be submitted.

Specific rules for cohabiting spouses
A cohabiting spouse must fulfil all the basic requirements of a residence permit. A cohabiting spouse must submit proof that the cohabitation has been in effect for at least two years. Such certificates are issued by Registers Iceland or by the authority in a persons own country that is responsible for public registration.

A cohabiting spouse must also submit a marital status certificate. Granting a residence permit for a cohabiting spouse is not permitted unless it has been confirmed that neither party is married.

Note that there exists no support duty between cohabiting spouses. An applicant must show independent means of support.

Marriage/cohabitation of convenience
The Directorate of Immigration is authorized to deny an application for a residence permit if that the sole purpose of the union is to obtain a residence permit, see Article 13, paragraph 3, of the Act on Foreigners. This is referred to as marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience.

In the instance of founded suspicion of marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience, the applicant must prove in a clear manner that such suspicion is unfounded. A marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience does not grant the right to a residence permit and is punishable according to Article 57 of the Act on Foreigners. In order to examine whether marriage/cohabitation is possibly a union of convenience, the Directorate of Immigration may call in the applicant and the spouse/partner for interviews at the offices of the Directorate of Immigration, according to Article 39, paragraph 3, of the Regulation on Foreigners. A denial of a residence permit on grounds of marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience is a decision based on assessment made by the Directorate of Immigration.

The factors that constitute the grounds when a residence permit application is denied are stated in an explanatory note with the parliamentary bill that was passed as Act no. 20/2004, amending the Act on Foreigners. Indications that this may indeed be a marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience include, for example, the parties not having lived together before marriage or cohabitation started, that they do not understand each others language, have difficulty communicating with each other, that there is a great difference in their ages, they do not know about individual circumstances or events in the life of each other before they married, or do not know about a previous marriage. This is not a complete list of indications and other factors may support suspicions about marriage of convenience / cohabitation of convenience having been established.

The reason a marriage or cohabitation of convenience cannot be the grounds for issuing a residence permit is, among other things, to protect those who are more vulnerable (at risk) of being subject to pressure or abuse of some sort if they do not agree to participate in marriage or cohabitation of convenience. According to Article 13, paragraph 3, an examination must always be made as to whether the circumstances are as stated above if one spouse is 24 years of age or younger.

Establishment of marriage/cohabitation without the consent of both parties to the union or in breach of the provisions of Icelandic law and the rule of public order
If the establishment of marriage / cohabitation is in breach of the provisions of Icelandic law or public order, this results in denial of a residence permit. There are protective views behind this provision, as it is intended, among other things, to prevent forced marriage. The experience of Icelands neighbouring countries was taken into account when this provision was implemented. Reasons that could result in denial on these grounds include, for example, if one party to the marriage is under the age of 18 or if this pertains to what is called marriage by proxy, where one party or neither party to the marriage are present during the marriage ceremony.

According to Article 13, paragraph 3, examination shall always be made as to whether the circumstances are as described above if one spouse is 24 years of age or younger.

Violence and abuse causing the end of marriage/cohabitation
Article 13, paragraph 6, states that if marriage/cohabitation is dissolved because an applicant or his/her child has suffered violence or abuse in the relationship, it is permissible to renew the residence permits on the same grounds even though the relevant marriage/cohabitation is over. The requirement is that there exist special circumstances and that special causes of fairness justify such renewal. When the parliamentary bill was discussed in Icelands parliament, Althingi, an emphasis was placed on how dissolution of marriage/cohabitation for such reasons should not automatically result in a renewal of a residence permit. Generally, the applicant should take into account whether continued stay in Iceland on other grounds should be considered, otherwise he/she should return to his/her own country.

Decisions on renewing a residence permit on these grounds are exceptional and the Directorate of Immigration must assess the existing documents in every single instance. The factors to be taken into consideration include, for example, the length of the marriage or cohabitation, and the connection of the applicant to Iceland. Consideration is shown for the incidents, whether they are serious, whether a certain incident was a singular occurrence, etc.

The Directorate of Immigration emphasizes that too stringent requirements of proof by the applicant are not made by the Directorate regarding the reasons for the breakup of a relationship; nevertheless, the applicant must illustrate and explain to the extent possible that abuse or violence took place.

In order for the Directorate of Immigration being able to consider a renewal of a residence permit on these grounds, the Directorate must be provided with as detailed documents as possible. Medical records, psychological records, police records or a statement from the Womens Shelter or other institutions where an applicant has stayed could support statements by him/her about what happened.

According to Article 13 and the Legal Competence Act no. 71/1997, an individual is deemed as being a child if under the age of 18 and unmarried. Therefore a residence permit cannot be issued on grounds of family reunification to an individual who has turned 18 or is under the age of 18 and is married. A child can either be granted residence permit at the same time as his/her parents or later when the parents have received a residence permit in Iceland.

Who may apply for a residence permit for a child?
Only a parent, who is also a custodian of a child, may apply for a residence permit in Iceland for his/her child. A custodian, who is not a parent, or a parent who is not a custodian, cannot apply for a residence permit for a child. A parent who does not have custody of a child wishes to apply for a residence permit for said child, a change of custody must take place in the home country before the child arrives in Iceland.
If immediate relatives, for example, grandfather, grandmother, aunt or uncle, request a residence permit for a child, the child must be adopted by the person applying for the permit and that person must have custody of the child.

Requirements for a residence permit for a child
A child must fulfil all the basic requirements of a residence permit, or the parents or custodians must fulfil them on behalf of their child. The parents must submit the following documents and fulfil the following requirements for their child:

  • The custodian/parents sign the application for a residence permit.
  • Submit a housing certificate for the parents to live at the said housing.
  • If applying for a residence permit for a child after his/her custodian has been granted a residence permit in Iceland, for example a year later, proof must be submitted that the custodian has sufficient means of support and confirmation of having supported the child over the last 12 months prior to applying for a residence permit. Such confirmation, for example, may be a bank statement or transfer receipts.
  • A criminal record certificate must be submitted for the child if he/she has reached the age of 15.

Documents stating the connection of the child to the custodian must also be submitted. Strict requirements are made regarding the format of these documents in order to prevent a child from being unlawfully transported between countries.

Birth certificate
A demand is made for proof of the identity of a childs parents. The certificate must be issued by the appropriate authority in the home state. If there exists any doubt about which authority should issue the birth certificate in the childs home state, the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration should be contacted.

Custody documents
Custody documents may not be older than six months. If the documents are older a confirmation by the authorities on their validity must be submitted.

Custody can be shown with the following documents:

  • A birth certificate can be a confirmation of custody in instances where the child comes to Iceland with both parents and if the parents are married. However, the Directorate of Immigration may request further confirmation.
  • Confirmation of custody issued by a public authority, for example, a court, a district commissioner or a comparable authority in the home state.
  • Divorce papers. If the divorce papers state who has custody of a child this is sufficient confirmation of custody.
  • Death certificate. If one of the custodians has died and the surviving person has sole custody of the child, the death certificate is sufficient confirmation of custody.
  • If more than one person has custody of a child and only one of them resides in Iceland, confirmation must also be submitted that the custodian parent who resides abroad agrees to the child being brought to Iceland. Submission of a witnessed statement on the custody of a child is not sufficient.

Certificate of marital status
If a child has reached the age of 16 when an application is made for a residence permit, confirmed documents by the competent authorities must be submitted of the childs marital status. If an individual is under 18 years of age and is married, he/she is no longer a minor according to Iceland law. He/she therefore does not have the right to family reunification if married.

All necessary documents must have been received before the childs 18th birthday, see Article 47, paragraph 3, of the Regulation on Foreigners. If this requirement is not fulfilled the application will be handled as if he/she were an adult.

Applicant older than 18 years
An applicant who has turned 18 years of age and was granted a residence permit during childhood, however, may renew the residence permit on the same grounds although he/she is no longer deemed as being a minor, see Article 13, paragraph 5, of the Act on Foreigners. In doing this, however, the applicant must submit documents about employment and/or acceptance at school.

Immediate family members
Immediate family members in the interpretation of Article 13 are parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, and even great grandmothers and great grandfathers. The requirement is for the immediate family member having reached the age of 67. An immediate family member must fulfil all the basic requirements for a residence permit except for the requirement on independent means of support. The family member in Iceland must illustrate that the immediate family member abroad has been supported by him/her for at least one year prior to applying for a residence permit.

According to Article 13 of the Act on Foreigners, immediate family members of Icelandic or Nordic nationals and foreign nationals holding a permanent residence permit, holders of residence permits for: specialists; doctorate students; athletes; humanitarian grounds and special ties to Iceland, can apply for a residence permit in Iceland on grounds of family reunification.

In order to prove the family connection of an applicant, his/her immediate relations in Iceland shall submit a birth certificate or other certificates showing their connection to the applicant.

Violence and abuse
A residence permit on grounds of Article 13 shall not be granted if the nearest immediate family member of an applicant has been sentenced by a court over the last five years or been subject to security measures for violation of the provisions of Chapter XXI-XXIV of the General Penal Code no. 19/1940. The offences in question include incest, sexual abuse, manslaughter, physical violence and breaches of persons freedom. Such offences, however, do not generally result in a residence permit being denied if this would entail an unfair measure towards an applicant or his/her immediate family relations.

A students residence permit is for an individual, 18 years of age or older, who intends to pursue studies at a university in Iceland or other studies with similar preparatory requirements. The student must fulfil all basic requirements for residence permits, as well as the special requirements of Article 12 e. The student must fulfil the preparatory requirements made regarding the relevant studies, for example, language skills.

A student does not have to submit a housing certificate before coming to Iceland, however, must submit it not later than two weeks after arrival in Iceland.

Full studies in the interpretation of the Act on Foreigners are studies at university level or other studies where comparable demands are made regarding the preparatory education as made at the university level.

A residence permit for the fall semester must be applied for by by 1 July. The application and all the necessary accompanying documents for the spring semester must have been received by the authorities not later than 1 November.

Full studies at a university are 30 units (ECTS) per semester.

A residence permit for a student is generally only issued for six (6) months at a time. The exception is for PhD students, which are generally issued permits for one year at a time. When renewing the residence permit the student must show satisfactory study performance by means of a confirmation by the relevant school.

First renewal (2nd school semester):
Satisfactory study performance at the university level is based on 50% per semester or at least 15 units (ECTS).

Second renewal etc. (3rd school semester and more advanced studies):
Satisfactory study performance at the university level is based on 75% per semester or at least 22.5 units (ECTS).

Special note: a student is only permitted to work 15 hours per week except in instances where a student is employed during leave from study or as a part of his/her vocational training, see Article 15 of Regulation no. 339/2005 on Foreign Nationals´ Right to Work. The Icelandic Directorate of Labor provides further information about work permits.

According to Article 12, paragraph 1, f, of the Act on Foreigners, deviating from the basic requirements for residence permits as stated in Article 11 is permissible if the applicant has special ties to Iceland. Assessing when this is done rests with the authorities, the Directorate of Immigration in this instance. The Directorate of Immigration has no obligation to deviate from the basic requirements for a residence permit even though an applicant has a special connection to Iceland. When determining how far to go in allowing exemptions from the basic requirements for residence permits, the focus must be on the circumstances in each and every case.

The Ministry of the Interior has issued guidelines about residence permits on grounds of special ties. The Directorate of Immigration takes these guidelines into account when making decisions. The focal points of the guidelines are as follows:

Lawful stay in Iceland. Previous lawful stay in the country on the ground of a residence permit is considered, especially if it was within the last 10 years.

  • Lawful previous stay in the country is a material factor that should be considered, i.e. stay on grounds of a residence permit, according to the provisions of the Act on Foreigners.
  • When setting criteria on the length of stay, that is valid for everyone, an overall consideration must be given to every single case. A short stay only (less than two years) and without any connection to relatives in Iceland would only be considered satisfactory in extreme exceptions.
  • When assessing special ties because of previous residence in Iceland, the focus shall be on the length of stay at the time.
  • Special ties to Iceland may in some instances be considered as existing without a previous lawful stay when close relatives reside in Iceland.

Close relatives in Iceland. Consideration should be shown to whether an applicant has close relatives in Iceland.

  • Ties to close relatives who reside in Iceland is a material factor that should be taken into account,  the explanatory statement with the initial provision of Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Act on Foreigners.
  • This factor holds the most weight in the total assessment of a foreigners situation when considering whether a residence permit should be granted on grounds of special ties to Iceland.
  • In this instance consideration must be shown, for example, to the family pattern and the size of the family, the family history, the circumstances of the family, the type of family connection/kinship.
  • An emphasis is placed on an overall assessment of the circumstances, for example, assessing/comparing the ties to the home country with the ties to Iceland.
  • A focus should be on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and an assessment should be made as to whether it would be a breach of the provision, and of Article 71 of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland regarding the right to family life, if a residence permit in Iceland were to be denied on the grounds of the applicant not fulfilling other requirements for a residence permit in Iceland. If such an assessment results in the conclusion that this would be in breach of the provisions, a residence permit should be granted on grounds of special ties to Iceland.
  • In the instances of a child/children, an examination must be made into issues on custody and the arrangement of visitation. The applicant must either have custody of a child or have been active in visiting with the child/children, and must continue doing so if he/she intends to obtain a residence permit on these grounds.
  • The word children refers to persons under the age of 18 unless otherwise stated.
  • Examples of instances where granting a residence permit on grounds of special ties are as follows:

The applicant has a child/children in Iceland who are Icelandic citizens.
The applicant has a child/children in Iceland who are not Icelandic citizens.
The applicant is a single parent older than 55 years of age, has a child older than 18 years of age who resides in Iceland and is an Icelandic citizen, has a permanent residence permit or a temporary residence permit that creates grounds for a permanent residence permit in Iceland. The aforementioned age requirements may be deviated from in specific circumstances.
The applicant is 18-30 years of age, has no spouse, however, has a parent who is an Icelandic citizen, or has a permanent residence permit or residence permit that creates grounds for a permanent residence permit in Iceland, and if the applicant is alone behind in his/her home country/all his/her immediate family resides in Iceland. In this instance the views on care should exist to such an extent that the applicant is dependent on his/her family in Iceland to some or full extent. Other important factors may also be considered for granting a residence permit on these grounds.
The applicant is lawfully staying in Iceland in cohabitation with an Icelandic citizen, however, they do not fulfil the requirement of having been in a formal, registered cohabitation for two (2) years that would render it possible to obtain a residence permit on such grounds, and are expecting a child together. Applicants for asylum do not fall under this category.

Ties based on work, social and/or cultural contacts. Consideration must be shown for whether an applicant has stayed in Iceland over the last 10 years with a lawful purpose on grounds of a residence permit and whether he/she has formed ties in the community during the time of stay.

  • Ties through work or social and/or cultural contacts can be deemed as material factors in an overall assessment for granting a residence permit on grounds of special ties.
  • A focus here is on whether a foreign national has formed special ties with the community during his/her stay, which should not necessarily or normally be severed.
  • Short-term stay (less than two years) has no bearing in this respect.
  • When assessing these ties, consideration must be shown as to whether the relevant person was an active participant on the labour market. Consideration must be shown as to whether the relevant person still has an offer of employment by the same employer although he/she was denied a work permit. A declaration by the employer must be available stating that the relevant person is an important employee and that he/she will be working for the employer for at least six months.
  • This factor alone would never be sufficient reason for a residence permit on grounds of special ties (i.e. a job offer); instead some ties through relatives who reside in Iceland must also exist (item b). Otherwise there exists the risk of the Foreign Nationals Right to Work Act being circumvent.

Support and other basic requirements for a residence permit – Article 11 of the Act on Foreigners. The principal rule shall be that an applicant must fulfil the requirements of means of support as well as the other basic requirements of a residence permit in accordance with Article 11 of the Act on Foreigners (except for Article 11, paragraph 1, item b).

  • It must be kept in mind that according to Article 12, paragraph 1, item f, it is permissible to grant a residence permit on grounds of special ties even though the requirements in Article 11 are not fulfilled. It is not possible to limit this rule in guideline rules, however, it is desirable that an applicant shows that the requirements in Article 11 are fulfilled by the applicant to the extent possible (except Article 11, paragraph 1, item b), however, this requirement may be deviated from in very special circumstances.

A decision is reached on grounds of an overall assessment. An overall assessment must always be carried out of an applicants situation. The applicants ties to the home country and his/her ties to Iceland because of relatives and/or a previous stay in Iceland must be assessed together. Important factors in the assessment are for example:

  • The circumstances/situation of an applicant (marital status, situation in the home country, etc.).
  • Applicants age.
  • Family pattern and family size.
  • Background history of the family.
  • Situation of the family.
  • Family ties/kinship.
  • Connection regarding previous stay (cultural connection, for example).
  • Consequences if a residence permit is not granted.

Note that the aforementioned factors are only guideline views and are not complete. Other circumstances may be taken into account, as well as how an overall assessment in every case may lead to circumstances that are considered grounds of special ties in one case but may not apply in another case. One relative residing in Iceland, for example, may be sufficient for granting a residence permit on grounds of a special ties in one case, whereas in another instance this may conceivably not be sufficient.

According to Article 12, paragraph 1, item f, of the Act on Foreigners, it is permissible to deviate from the basic requirements for a residence permit as stated in Article 11 if humanitarian views justify it. Paragraph 2 of the same article states that a residence permit may be granted on humanitarian grounds if a foreign national can show his/her urgent need for protection, for example, for health reasons, or because of difficult social circumstances, or because of difficult general circumstances in the home country or in a country he/she would be sent to, or because of other instances for which he/she cannot be fairly made responsible. Assessing when this should be done is in the hands of the Directorate of Immigration. An overall assessment will always take place before a residence permit on humanitarian grounds is granted. The same applies to the renewal of a residence permit. The Directorate of Immigration assesses whether the circumstances, that constituted the grounds of the permit, still exist at the time when the permit needs to be renewed.

A residence permit on humanitarian grounds is considered in instances where an application for a residence permit has been denied. According to the Act on Foreigners, an assessment in such instances shall be made as to whether the applicant has the right to a residence permit on humanitarian grounds. When making such an assessment the focus is on similar factors as those in cases of applications for international protection. Consideration is shown for the general situation in the applicants home country or in the country where he/she would be sent, including whether basic human rights are sufficiently guaranteed.

Urgent need for protection on grounds of health reasons
The focus is on factors such as whether a case pertains to sudden and life-threatening disease for which there is treatment in Iceland, but not in the home country of the relevant person. In instances of long-term diseases stronger views for protection exist when a persons illness is in its final stages. A focus is also on whether treatment of the disease has been started in Iceland and whether it is medically appropriate to stop such treatment. A focus is furthermore on the applicants social circumstances in this respect.

When applying for a residence permit for health reasons, a medical certificate must be submitted describing the physical condition of the relevant person. The certificate is submitted to the Directorate of Immigrations official doctor, who assesses it on grounds of the aforementioned views.

Urgent need for protection on grounds of inflictive social circumstances in the home country
Inflictive social circumstances refers, for example, to the circumstances of persons who have suffered sexual abuse which may result in a difficult situation for them in the home country, or circumstances of persons who are of different sexual orientation than prevails in their home country and face ostracism or violence upon return. The need for protection depends on the circumstances in each instance. Note that the grounds for granting such a permit are when a permit cannot be granted according to Chapter VII of the Act on International Protection.

Urgent need for protection on grounds of inflictive circumstances
Inflictive circumstances refers, for example, to ongoing human rights violations in the home country, i.e. circumstances where the authorities do not provide their citizens with protection against offences of violence or crime, natural disasters or ongoing warfare in the home country. In such instances international protection may be provided, however, it is also permissible to take such circumstances into consideration when assessing a residence permit on humanitarian grounds.

A residence permit on humanitarian grounds does not apply to economic distress, for example, poverty, famine or lack of housing.

In special circumstances a residence permit may be granted an individual who comes to Iceland on legitimate grounds and with a special purpose. The applicant must fulfil the basic requirements for a residence permit, according to Article 11, however, does not have to fulfil the special requirements, stated in Article 12, Article 12 e, or Article 13.

A residence permit on these grounds is only granted in exceptional instances and when special circumstances exist. The provision entails an authorization for granting a residence permit, however, not an obligation to grant a residence permit under any circumstances. An assessment is made in every instance as to whether a residence permit should be granted.

Falling under this provision, for example, can be nuns or missionaries, as well as volunteers who come to Iceland on behalf of volunteer organizations. This is not a complete list and various other instances may fall under this provision.

In order for the Directorate of Immigration being able to assess whether a residence permit should be granted on these grounds, a statement by the applicant must be received by the Directorate, describing the purpose of his/her stay in Iceland. Documents supporting the statement must also be submitted. Such a document can be a confirmation from a religious group, for example, or other documents from a person in Iceland who confirms why the applicant intends to stay in Iceland.

A residence permit on legitimate grounds or specific purpose is granted for one year at a time as a maximum and cannot constitute the grounds for a permanent residence permit. The focus is on temporary circumstances and therefore it is not anticipated that a residence permit that is granted on these grounds can be renewed except in exceptional instances.

A permanent residence permit, according to Article 15 of the Act on Foreigners, entails an unlimited right to stay in Iceland. The requirement is that the applicant has stayed in Iceland for four consecutive years on the basis of a residence permit which can be grounds for a permanent residence permit. The applicant must, for example, have had a residence permit as a specialist for four years and may not have changed the grounds of the permit during this time in order to fulfil this requirement. A permanent residence permit must be applied for at least one month before the current residence permit expires. The grounds for the issuance of a permanent residence permit are that the requirements for the issuance of a residence permit still exist, for example, if an applicant has held a residence permit on grounds of employment, the requirements for such a residence permit must be fulfilled, for example, continued employment.

A permanent residence permit is not issued if granting it means that the applicant receives a better right than the person from which he/she draws the right to stay. This means that an applicant who has a residence permit on grounds of family reunification cannot apply for a permanent residence permit until the person from whom he/she draws his/her right (mother/father) has been granted a permanent residence permit or Icelandic citizenship.

The applicant must have completed a 150 hours course in the Icelandic language for foreigners or have taken an Icelandic language skills exam with an acknowledged party. Click here to see a list of acknowledged parties for this exam.

The requirement of the 150 hours Icelandic course may be deviated from if the applicant is 65 years of age or older, has lived in Iceland for at least 10 years and is unable, for physical or mental reasons, to participate in such a course. Such a circumstance must be confirmed by a medical doctor.

The applicant must prove that his/her means of support during the stay in Iceland have been secure and that he/she is able to provide for his/her needs in a lawful manner in Iceland. The same guidelines for support apply as when a residence permit is granted. In order to prove that means of support have and will be secure, the applicant must submit a confirmed copy of his/her tax return forms of the last four years and documents confirming means of support, for example, an employment contract and pay slips. Sending tax return forms in electronic format is permissible.

Reasons preventing the granting of a permanent residence permit
No circumstances may exist that could cause an applicant being expelled from Iceland, according to Article 15, paragraph 1, item b. This article refers to Article 20, paragraph 1, item a, on the expulsion of a foreign national who has a residence permit. The article states that a foreign national who has a residence permit may be expelled from Iceland if:

  • He/she has seriously or repeatedly been in breach of one or more provisions of the Act on Foreigners, or submitted materially incorrect or clearly misleading information in a case, according to the Act on Foreigners.
  • He/she has over the last five years served a sentence abroad or been sentenced and penalized for conduct which according to Icelandic law could result in imprisonment for more than one year. The same applies regarding special measures that are decided because of criminal conduct.
  • He/she has been sentenced by court or if a court has ordered that he/she shall be subject to security measures for conduct that could result in more than one year imprisonment, or has been sentenced to imprisonment more than once over the last three years
  • It is necessary with a view to national security or public interest.

An applicant who has been sentenced or penalized falls under these provisions and therefore does not have a right to a permanent residence permit. Additionally, an applicant may not have unfinished matters in the penal system if suspected of criminal conduct. In such circumstances an application will be denied. The Directorate of Immigration obtains criminal record certificates from the police; hence the applicant does not have to submit such a certificate.

Payments in the form of social assistance by the state or a municipality are not considered as secure means of support. If an applicant has received social assistance over the last four (4) years before applying for a residence permit, the application is denied. If means of support have not been secure for a short period of time, however, the authorities may deviate from this requirement. This includes instances, for example, of an applicant having suffered an accident or having been on maternity/paternity leave. Note that the guidelines on support do not apply to applicants who have had a refugee residence permit, according to Article 12 j, or a residence permit on humanitarian grounds, according to Article 12, paragraph 4, item f.

An applicant who has worked and intends to continue working must apply for an unrestricted work permit and must submit an employment contract in the same way as when applying for a residence permit.

Permanent residence permit for a child
A child who is born in Iceland after his/her parent was granted a permanent residence permit may be granted a permanent residence permit by means of an application.

A child who has a permanent residence permit may engage in work without a work permit until the age of 18. After turning 18 the relevant person must apply for an unrestricted work permit if he/she intends to continue working.  

Family reunification
Applicants for residence permits on the basis of family reunification must fulfill all the basic conditions for a residence permit, as well as the conditions specified in article 13 of the Act on Foreigners no. 96/2002.

The immediate family members of an Icelandic citizen, other Nordic citizens who have a permanent address in Iceland or of a foreign citizen who is residing in Iceland as a specialist, a professional athlete, PhD student, or who have a residence permit based on humanitarian reasons, special ties to Iceland or are permanent residents, can apply for a residence permit on the basis of family reunification.

The principal rule is that an application must be approved before the applicant arrives in Iceland and the application must fulfill certain basic conditions. Exceptions from the principal rule and guidelines can be found regarding each type of residence permit:

  • Spouse/cohabiting partner
  • Child
  • Relative (parents/grandparents)

Spouse or cohabiting partner
Application for a residence permit on grounds of family reunification must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents. 

Spouses (husbands/wives) of Icelandic citizens, other Nordic citizens residing in Iceland and foreigners residing in Iceland as qualified professionals, athletes, doctorate students, holders of permanent residence permits or for humanitarian reasons or special ties may apply for a residence permit.

Spouses/cohabitants of athletes and doctorate students may not be in Iceland while applications are being processed. Note – visas, when applicable, will not be issued until a permit has been granted.

Documents to be submitted by applicants (spouses and cohabitants):

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents.  Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm)
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit.  The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement, unless the spouse/cohabitant residing in Iceland owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. There is a legal mutual obligation for spousal support. If the applicant is married, he/she does not have to prove own support, if the spouse can show sufficient support for the couple. A cohabitant must show own support. Applicants wages may be sufficient support if the applicant is authorized to work.

Further documentation to be submitted with an application for a spouse (husband/wife):
Certificates must be confirmed by apostille stamp or double authentication if issued abroad. Confirmed copies of original documents must be submitted. Copies must be stamped by the competent authority that is authorized to do so.

  • Confirmed copy of the original marriage certificate (and translation if applicable).

Further documentation to be submitted with an application for a cohabitant:
Certificates must be confirmed by apostille stamp or double authentication if issued abroad. Confirmed copies of original documents must be submitted. Copies must be stamped by the competent authority that is authorized to do so.

  • Confirmed copy of the original confirmation of cohabitation (and translation, if applicable). It must be documented that the couple has been cohabiting for at least two years.
  • Confirmed copies of the original certificates of marital status (and translation if applicable). It must be documented that neither the applicant nor the partner in Iceland is married.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate. This also applies to spouses.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Please note this does not apply to a spouse of an Icelandic citizen, as he/she does not need a work permit.

A cohabitant does need a work permit if he/she intends to work.

Applicants eligible for work permits are:

Cohabitant of an Icelandic citizen.
Spouse and cohabitant of a qualified professional.
Spouse and cohabitant of the holder of a permanent residence permit.

Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

Documents that must be submitted:

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application or a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. There is a legal mutual obligation for spousal support. If the applicant is married, he/she does not have to prove own support, if the spouse can show sufficient support for the couple. A cohabitant must show own support. Applicants wages may be sufficient support if the applicant is authorized to work.

Applicants eligible for work permits are:

Cohabitant of an Icelandic citizen.
Spouse and cohabitant of a qualified professional.
Spouse and cohabitant of the holder of a permanent residence permit.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate. This also applies to spouses.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Please note this does not apply to a spouse of an Icelandic citizen. A spouse of a foreign citizen does need a work permit if he/she intends to work. A cohabitant does need a work permit if he/she intends to work. Applicants eligible for work permits are cohabitants of Icelandic citizens, spouses and cohabitants of qualified professionals and spouses and cohabitants of holders of permanent residence permits. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Application for a residence permit on grounds of family reunification must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents.

A child, as defined by the Act on Foreigners, is under the age of 18 and single (not married).

Icelandic citizens, citizens of other Nordic countries residing in Iceland and their spouses and foreigners residing in Iceland holding permits as qualified professionals, athletes, permanent resident permits or for humanitarian reasons or special ties may apply for residence permits for their children.

Only a parent who also has custody of the child, can apply for a residence permit for the child in Iceland. Note that if custody of the child is based on an agreement, but the custodian is not the natural parent, this does not qualify for a residence permit on grounds of family reunification. In those cases, the child must be legally adopted.

Documentation showing the ties of the child to the parent/parents must be submitted.

Children of athletes and PhD students may not be in Iceland while applications are being processed. Note. Visas for travelling to Iceland (if applicable) will not be issued until a permit is granted.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for residence permits for children. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the parent(s)/custodian(s).
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement. It must be shown that the custodian residing in Iceland is permitted to reside in the housing, unless he/she owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland. If the custodian has resided in Iceland for over six months and is a member of the Icelandic social insurance system, no extra insurance is required for the child.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. If the custodian is already residing in Iceland, he/she must show adequate financial support and a confirmation that he/she has supported the child financially for the past twelve months prior to applying for a residence permit. Such confirmation may be in the form of a bank statement or transfer receipts.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate if the child has reached the age of 15 (and a translation if applicable). The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided since he/she reached the age of 15. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.

The following documentation must be confirmed by apostille stamp or double authentication if issued abroad. Confirmed copies of original documents must be submitted. The copy must be stamped by the competent authority that is authorized to do so.

  • Confirmed copy of the original birth certificate of the child (and translation if applicable). It must be documented who are the parents of the child. The certificate must be issued by the applicable authority in the home country.
  • Custody documentation, confirmed copy of original (and translation if applicable). Documents must be submitted showing clearly who has legal custody of the child. Only parents who have custody of the child may apply for the residence permit. The following documents may prove legal custody of a child:

Custody document.  Must be issued by the appropriate national regulatory authority, e.g. district commissioners or equivalent or the court system. The documents cannot be older than six months. If more than one individual has custody of the child, a confirmed copy of a notarized statement (affidavit) of the parent not residing in Iceland must be submitted, stating that the parent consents to the child residing in Iceland with the other parent.
Divorce document. If the childs natural parents are divorced and the divorce document clearly states who has custody of the child, this is considered satisfactory.
Death certificate. If one of the childs parent/custodian is deceased and the surviving parent/custodian has sole custody, a confirmed copy of the original death certificate is considered satisfactory confirmation of custody.

  • Confirmed copy of the original certificate of marital status, if the child has reached the age of sixteen (and translation if applicable). If the child is sixteen years of age or older, a certificate of marital status has to be submitted.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the parent(s)/custodian(s) wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

If the applicant has reached the age of 18, but was originally granted a residence permit as a child, he/she can apply for a renewal on the same grounds, even if he/she is now an adult.  In order for such renewal the applicant must submit documentation on work or school attendance. See further below.

Documents that must be submitted for a child under the age of 18

  • Checklist for renewals for children. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the parent(s)/custodian(s).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.

Further documents that must be submitted by applicant who has reached the age of 18 and was originally granted a residence permit as a child:

  • Support. The applicant must show own support if he/she is working and not attending school. If the applicant is attending school, he/she may be supported by the former custodian(s).

Further documents, as applicable:

  • Confirmation of school registration, if applicable. If the applicant is a student, it must be documented that he/she is registered in an approved field of study.
  • Application for a work permit on grounds of family reunification, if applicable. If the applicant is working, he/she must submit an application for a work permit and employment contract. This is also applicable if the applicant intends to work along with attending school. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Application for a residence permit on grounds of family reunification must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents. 

Relatives of Icelandic citizens, citizens of other Nordic countries residing in Iceland and their spouses and foreigners residing in Iceland holding permits as qualified professionals, athletes, permanent resident permits or for humanitarian reasons or special ties may apply for residence permits. The applicant has to be at least 67 years old and in direct line of ascent, i.e. parents and grandparents. The relative residing in Iceland must have supported the applicant financially for at least one year before the application is submitted.

Documentation showing the ties of the applicant to the relative in Iceland must be submitted, e.g. birth certificate(s).

The applicant may not be in Iceland while the application is being processed. Note. Visas for travelling to Iceland (if applicable) will not be issued until a permit is granted.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the parent(s)/custodian(s).
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm)
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement, unless the relative in Iceland owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. The relative residing in Iceland must show adequate financial support and a confirmation that he/she has supported the applicant financially for the past twelve months prior to applying for a residence permit. Such confirmation may be in the form of a bank statement or transfer receipts.
  • Confirmed copy of the original birth certificate of the relative residing in Iceland (and translation if applicable). The document must be confirmed by apostille stamp or double authentication if issued abroad. The copy must be stamped by the competent authority that is authorized to do so.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Only relatives of Icelandic citizens and their spouses, holders of permits as qualified professionals and permanent residence permits are allowed to work in Iceland. No others. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

Documents that must be submitted

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit.  The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Only relatives of Icelandic citizens and their spouses, holders of permits as qualified professionals and permanent residence permits are allowed to work in Iceland. No others. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Application must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents. The Directorate of Labour issues work permits in Iceland. The Directorate of Labour must issue a work permit in order for the Directorate of Immigration to issue a residence permit based on employment.

Application must be submitted before the applicant arrives in Iceland. If the applicant comes to Iceland as a tourist before the application is approved, processing of the application will be halted and a permit will not be issued. If the applicant is in Iceland, but wants to be granted a residence permit, he/she must leave the country.

There are three categories of residence and work permits:
Qualified professionals - Article 12 of the Act on Foreigners.
Residence permits may be issued on grounds of specific employment in Iceland which is not a temporary project. According to the Foreign Nationals Right to Work Act, the applicant must be qualified in a field needed by the employer and be at the level of university education or vocational or technical qualifications as approved in Iceland.

Athletes - Article 12 b. of the Act on Foreigners.
Residence permits may be issued for athletes and coaches at sports clubs within the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland. The sports clubs are listed on the webpage of the Association.

Temporary shortage of labourers - Article 12 a. of the Act on Foreigners.
Residence permits may be issued on grounds of temporary shortage of labourers when workers cannot be found within the local workforce or within the EEU or the Faroe Islands. These are temporary permits which may only be renewed once. The Directorate of Labour provides further information on shortage of labourers.

In order to be granted a work and residence permit, the applicant must fulfill basic and specific requriements.

Documents to be submitted by applicants:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm)
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement, unless the applicant owns the property in Iceland.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Application for applicable work permit.
  • Employment contract. Wages must meet minimum support requirements. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer and endorsed by the applicable trade union.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

A residence and work permit may be renewed if the applicant still fulfills the requirements. Please note that a residence permit based on shortage of labourers may only be renewed once.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his/her passport.

Documents that must be submitted

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit.  The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Application for applicable work permit.
  • Employment contract. Wages must meet minimum support requirements. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer and endorsed by the applicable trade union.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Residence permits for students are issued to foreigners over the age of 18 who intend to study in Iceland at a university level or other studies meeting university admission requirements. The applicant must be registered for full time studies.

Application must be submitted before the applicant arrives in Iceland. If the applicant comes to Iceland as a tourist before the application is approved, processing of the application will be halted and a permit will not be issued. If the applicant is in Iceland, but wants to be granted a residence permit, he/she must leave the country. Visas for travelling to Iceland (if applicable) will not be issued until a permit is granted.

Fall semester - Application and all supporting documents must be received by the Directorate no later than July 1st, in order to grant the permit before semester starts.
Spring semester - Application and all supporting documents must be received by the Directorate no later than November 1st, in order to grant the permit before semester starts.

The applicant must adhere to the deadlines for submitting applications for each semester, ensuring that all supporting documentation is included. Applications received by the deadline are given priority handling and effort made to grant permits in time for start of the semester. If the application is received late, or if documents are missing/not complete, granting of permit before semester starts cannot be guaranteed.

Residence permits for most students are granted for six months, or one semester at a time. Permits for doctorate students are issued for one year at a time. It is the applicants responsibility to apply for a renewal of the permit at least four weeks before it expires.

In order to be granted a student residence permit, the applicant must fulfill basic and specific requirements.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.
  • Confirmation of school admission.
  • Housing certificate. Students must submit a housing certificate within two weeks of arriving in Iceland.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Application for a work permit and employment contract, if the applicant intends to work. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.
  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Residence permit for a student may be renewed if the requirements are still fulfilled and proof of satisfactory study progress is shown. Permits are generally granted for six months, but one year for doctorate students.

Application for renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

Documents that must be submitted

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.
  • Confirmation of study progress. A certificate of progress and registration of full time studies from the applicable school.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Application for a work permit and employment contract, if the applicant intends to work. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.
  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Au pair
Application for a residence permit as an au pair must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents. 

The applicant will be residing at the residence of the receiving family. The applicant has to have reached the age of 18 at the time of application and has to be under the age of 25. Note that the applicant is not allowed to work in the general labour market and that the au pair permit is issued for a maximum of one year and is not renewable.

Application must be submitted before the applicant arrives in Iceland.  If the applicant comes to Iceland as a tourist before the application is approved, processing of the application will be halted and a permit will not be issued.  If the applicant is in Iceland, but wants to be granted a residence permit, he/she must leave the country.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of handling fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Written au-pair contract between the applicant and the receiving family, original.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm)
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate, unless the receiving family owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support. The receiving family must show sufficient support.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Special connection to Iceland
Application for a residence permit on grounds of special ties to Iceland must be submitted at the Directorate of Immigration along with applicable supporting documents. 

A residence permit on grounds of special ties to Iceland may be granted if the applicant does not fulfill the requirements of Article 12 – 12 e. of the Act on Foreigners and has special ties to Iceland.

Such permits are only granted in exceptional cases and circumstances in every case are assessed. It is always required that the applicant show that he/she fulfils the basic requirements, but the Directorate may make some exemptions if the applicant has special ties to Iceland. If the applicant is unable to fulfil the basic requirements for a residence permit, he/she must submit a written statement and request an exemption.

The application should be submitted before the applicant arrives in Iceland. If the applicant arrives in Iceland as a tourist before the application is approved, he/she can ask for permission to be present in Iceland while the application is being processed. Whether such permit is approved depends on the circumstances in each individual case. The same applies if the applicant has had a residence permit on other grounds when applying for a permit on the grounds of special ties to Iceland.

Note that if the applicant is residing in Iceland and has held a residence permit, he/she only needs to submit the documents listed for renewal of a residence permit.

The following circumstances are considered when residence permits are granted. This is not an exhaustive list of reasons:

  • Legal residence in Iceland for the past ten years.
  • If the applicant has close relatives legally residing in Iceland.
  • Ties to Iceland because of work, social network and/or cultural relations.

It is recommended that the applicant read the guiding principles of the Ministry of the Interior with respect to this type of a residence permit before applying.

Documents to be submitted by applicants:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreements, unless the applicant owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. Applicants wages may be sufficient support if the applicant is authorized to work.
  • A written statement showing the applicants ties to Iceland. The statement must show how/why the applicant has special ties to Iceland.
  • Supporting documents for the written statement, as applicable.Documents supporting the applicants claim, such as visitation agreement for the applicants child, birth certificates, etc.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Request for exemption from basic requirements for a residence permit. The request must be in writing along with justification for the request and supporting documents, if applicable.
  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorates office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

If the applicant has had a residence permit in Iceland on other grounds, these documents are sufficient for a first application for a residence permit on the grounds of special ties to Iceland.

Documents that must be submitted:

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicants signature.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.
  • A written statement showing the applicants ties to Iceland. The statement must show how/why the applicant has special ties to Iceland.
  • Supporting documents for the written statement. Documents supporting the applicants claim, such as visitation agreement for the applicants child, birth certificates, etc.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Request for exemption from basic requirements for a residence permit. The request must be in writing along with justification for the request and supporting documents, if applicable.
  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicants responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Humanitarian permit
A residence permit may be granted even if requirements of Articles 11 and 12 – 12 e. of the Act on Foreigners are not fulfilled, in duly justified cases, on humanitarian grounds.

Such permits are only granted in exceptional cases and circumstances in every case are assessed. It is always required that the applicant show that he/she fulfills the basic requirements of the law, but the Directorate may make some exemptions on humanitarian grounds. If the applicant is unable to fulfill the basic requirements of Article 11, he/she must submit a written statement and request an exemption.

Applications for residence permits on humanitarian grounds are primarily considered when an application for asylum has been denied and in principle only when the applicant is in Iceland.

Note that if the applicant is residing in Iceland and has held a residence permit, he/she only needs to submit the documents listed for renewal of a residence permit.

Conditions for issuing a residence permit on humanitarian grounds are that the applicant is in need of protection for the following reasons:

  • Medical condition.
  • Onerous social conditions in his/her home country.
  • Other onerous conditions.

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons.

Documents to be submitted by applicants:

  • Checklist for basic requirements and checklist for specific requirements. Print both checklists and check them when gathering documents. Please include the completed lists with the application.
  • Receipt for payment of processing fee (if the fee has been paid by bank transfer). The receipt must state clearly the name and birthdate of the applicant.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Passport size photo (35mm x 45mm).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicant’s signature.
  • Confirmed original of a foreign criminal record certificate. The criminal record certificate shall not be older than six months. Criminal record certificates shall be submitted from all the states where the applicant has resided for the past five years. Note the requirement of the certification of the criminal record certification, i.e. apostille certification or double authentication.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement, unless the applicant owns the property.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period. Applicants wages may be sufficient support if the applicant is authorized to work.
  • A written statement of the reasons for humanitarian grounds. The statement must show why the applicant is in need of protection.
  • Supporting documents for the written statement. Documents supporting the applicant’s claim, e.g. medical certificate.

Documents that may be submitted:
Request for exemption from basic requirements for a residence permit. The request must be in writing along with justification for the request and supporting documents, if applicable.

Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

Application for a work permit and employment contract. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicant‘s responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

An application for a renewal must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires. If the application is submitted later, it is not considered to be a renewal, but a first permit.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorate’s office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his/her passport.

If the applicant has had a residence permit in Iceland on other grounds, these documents are sufficient for a first application for a residence permit on humanitarian grounds.

Documents that must be submitted:

  • Checklist for renewals. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the validity of the residence permit. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicant’s signature.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.
  • A written statement of the reasons for humanitarian grounds. The statement must show why the applicant is in need of protection.
  • Supporting documents for the written statement. Documents supporting the applicant’s claim, e.g. medical certificate.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Request for exemption from basic requirements for a residence permit. The request must be in writing along with justification for the request and supporting documents, if applicable.
  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.
  • Application for a work permit and employment contract. Application for a work permit and the employment contract must be signed by the applicant and the employer.

It is the applicant‘s responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

EEA/EFTA citizens and their relatives
A citizen of an EEA/EFTA member state may stay and work in Iceland without a permit for up to three months from his/her arrival in Iceland, or stay up to six months if he/she is seeking employment. If the individual resides longer in Iceland, he/she shall register his right to residency with Registers Iceland. Residency in another Nordic country is not deducted from the residency period.

Residence of immediate family members
Immediate family members of citizens of EEA/EFTA member states who are citizens of countries outside of the EEA/EFTA, may reside in Iceland if their residence is based on the rights of a citizen of an EEA/EFTA member state residing in Iceland. A residency card must be applied for at the Directorate.

The validity of the card is five years from the date of issue, or the same as the residency of the EEA/EFTA citizen.

Immediate family members of EEA/EFTA citizens are:

  • Spouse or cohabiting partner.
  • Descendants, i.e. children or grandchildren of the EEA/EFTA citizen or his/her spouse, who are under the age of 21 or are dependants.
  • Dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or cohabiting partner (parents/grandparents).

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for relatives of citizens of EEA/EFTA states. Print the checklist and check when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Registration form, original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicant’s signature.
  • Confirmation of family ties as applicable (for example: marriage certificate, birth certificate, death certificate, custody document, divorce document). The document must be a confirmed copy of the original.  The document must be confirmed by apostille stamp or double authentication if issued abroad. The copy must be stamped by the competent authority that is authorized to do so.
  • Support must be secure for the residence period.
  • Medical insurance. Applicants must submit a confirmation of insurance that is valid for at least six months, minimum coverage ISK 2,000,000, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland.
  • Housing certificate or rental agreement, unless the relative in Iceland owns the property.

Further documentation that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicant‘s responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Permanent residence permits
A permanent residence permit entitles the holder to reside permanently in Iceland. It is mandatory that the applicant has resided in Iceland continuously for four years, holding the same category of an applicable residence permit. The applicant has, for example, to have had a residence permit as a qualified professional for four years and no other types of permits during that period in order to qualify for this permit.

An application for a permanent residence permit must be submitted at least one month before the current permit expires.

In order to be granted a student residence permit, the applicant must fulfill basic and specific requirements.

Applicant must apply personally at the Directorate’s office or at the offices of District Commissioners. The applicant will be photographed and he/she must bring his passport.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for a permanent residence permit for adults. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a permanent residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The passport must be valid. The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicant’s signature.
  • Confirmed copies of the applicant’s tax return for the past four years.
  • Certificate of completion of courses in the Icelandic language or of proficiency. The certificate must be an original. The applicant must have completed 150 hours of courses in the Icelandic language or passed a proficiency test at an accredited facility.
  • Support must be secure. If the applicant is working and intends to continue working, he/she must submit Application for a permanent work permit (included in application for permanent residence permit) and employment contract.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the applicant wants someone other than him/her to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicant‘s responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Permanent residence permit for a child.

If the child is born in Iceland, he/she may be granted a permanent residence permit if the parent has a permanent residence permit. All other children must fulfill the required residency permit period of four years.

A child who has been granted a permanent residence permit is allowed to work without a work permit.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Checklist for permanent residence permit for a child. Print the checklist and check it when gathering documents. Please include the completed list with the application.
  • Application for a permanent residence permit, form must be original, completed and signed by the parent(s)/custodian(s).
  • Copy of passport (does not need to be confirmed). The copy should be of the main page and the page with the applicant’s signature.

Documents that may be submitted:

  • Power of attorney, original, witnessed by two adult witnesses. Note. A power of attorney needs not be submitted unless the parent(s)/custodian(s) wants someone else to receive information about the processing of the application by the Directorate.

It is the applicant‘s parent/custodian’s responsibility to submit the documents on the checklist. If all the required documents are not submitted with the application, this could result in delays in processing the application or in a denial. The Directorate of Immigration may request additional documents in some cases.

Accredited Icelandic courses
Applicants for a permanent residence permit must submit a certificate of completion of an Icelandic course from an accredited institution, i.e. a course approved by the Ministry of the Interior.
Alþjóðahús - Laugavegi 37, 101 Reykjavík
Betri árangur - (Inga Karlsdóttir) - Álfalandi 5, 108 Reykjavík
Farskólinn-Norðurlandi vestra - Skagfirðingabraut 21, 550 Sauðárkrókur
Fjölmenning (Ingibjörg Hafstað) - Laugavegur 59,101 Reykjavík
Framvegis - Síðumúla 6, 108 Reykjavík
Fræðslumiðstöð Vestfjarða - Suðurgötu 12, 400 Ísafjörður
Fræðslunet Suðurlands - Tryggvagötu 25, 800 Selfoss
Iðan-fræðslusetur - Skúlatúni 2, 105 Reykjavík
Jafnréttishús - Strandgötu 25, 220 Hafnarfjörður
Kvöldskóli Kópavogs - Snælandsskóla v/ Víðigrund., 200 Kópavogur
Margvís - Þórsstíg 4, 600 Akureyri
Málaskólinn Lingva - Laugavegi 170, 105 Reykjavík
Miðstöð símenntunar. á Suðurnesjum - Skólavegi 1, 230 Reykjanesbær
Mímir-símenntun - Ofanleiti 2, 108 Reykjavík
Múltikúlti-íslenska ehf - Barónstíg, 3, 101 Reykjavík
Námsflokkar Hafnarfjarðar - Skólabraut 1, 220 Hafnarfjörður
Retor sf - Auðbrekka 18, 200 Kópavogur
Rúnin ritsmíðaverkstæði - Vesturgata 69, 101 Reykjavík
Saga-Akademía (Karl Sm. Hreinsson) - Austurgötu 19, 235 Keflavíkurflugvöllur
Símenntunarmiðstöðin á Vesturlandi - Bjarnarbraut 8, 310 Borgarnes
SÍMEY (Símenntunarmiðstöð Eyjafjarðar) - Þórsstíg 4, 600 Akureyri
The Tin Can Factory (Dósaverksmiðjan) - Borgartúni 1, 105 Reykjavík
Tómstundaskólinn (Mosf.bæ) - Álafossvegi 23, 270 Mosfellsbær
Viska-símenntunarmst. Vestmannaeyjum - Strandvegi 50, 900 Vestmannaeyjar
Þekkingarnet Austurlands - Tjarnarbraut 39, 700 Egilsstaðir
Þekkingarsetur Þingeyinga - Hafnarstétt 3, 640 Húsavík

Посольство Исландии в Москве осуществляет свою деятельность в следующих странах:


Кроме того Исландия имеет договоренность с некоторыми странами Шенгенского соглашения, которые через свои посольства в странах СНГ могут представлять интересы Исландии и выдавать визы также и на основании приглашений в Исландию.

С 1 августа 2008 года документы на краткосрочную визу в Исландию (максимальный период пребывания до 90 дней) принимаются  Посольством Королевства Дании в Москве.

Граждане России, проживающие в Санкт-Петербурге, Ленинградской и Карельской областях могут обратиться с просьбой о получении визы (максимальный период пребывания не более 90 дней) в Посольство Королевства Дании в Санкт-Петербурге.

Граждане России, проживающие в Калининграде и Калининградской области могут обратиться с просьбой о получении визы в Генеральное Консульство Литвы в Калининграде.

Интересы Королевства Дания по вопросам оформления виз, разрешений на проживание и работу для граждан Украины, Армении, а также граждан Грузии с 1 января 2006 года представляет Посольство Королевства Дания в Киеве.

Граждане Украины, Армении и Грузии, имеющие регистрацию (и/или разрешение на проживание) в Российской Федерации, имеют право на подачу заявления с просьбой о получении визы в Москве в Посольстве Королевства Дании.

Интересы Королевства Дания по вопросам оформления виз, разрешений на проживание и работу для граждан Азербайджана представляет Посольство Королевства Норвегия в Баку.

Граждане Азейрбаджана, имеющие регистрацию (и/или разрешение на проживание) в Российской Федерации, имеют право на подачу заявления с просьбой о получении визы в Москве в Посольстве Королевства Дания

С 1 апреля 2007 года интересы Королевства Дания по вопросам оформления виз (максимальный период пребывания не более 90 дней) для граждан республики Беларусь представляет Посольство Германии в Минске

Для граждан Кыргызстана – Посольство Германии в Бишкеке,  для граждан Таджикистана – Посольство Германии в Душанбе, для граждан Туркменистана – Посольство Германии в Ашхабаде, для граждан Узбекистана – Посольство Германии в Ташкенте.

Следует иметь в виду, что граждане республики Беларусь, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Туркменистана и Узбекистана также имеют право на подачу заявления с просьбой о получении визы в Посольстве Дании в Москве 

Граждане Казахстана имеют возможность оформления визы в Исландию (максимальный период пребывания не более 90 дней) в Посольстве Дании в Москве БЕЗ личного присутствия.

Граждане Казахстана также имеют право на подачу заявления с просьбой о получении визы в Посольстве Дании в Москве.

Армения            Ереван      Посольство Франции
Азербайджан    Баку           Посольство Королевства Норвегии  
Беларусь           Минск        Посольство Франци
Грузия                Тбилиси    Посольство Франции 
Казахстан          Алматы     Посольство Нидерландов  
Кыргызстан       Бишкек      Посольство Германии 
Молдова            Бухарест   Посольство Королевства Норвегии
Таджикистан      Душанбе   Посольство Германии
Туркменистан    Ашхабад   Посольство Германии
Украина             Киев           Посольство Королевства Норвегии
Узбекистан        Ташкент     Посольство Италии 

Поездка с детьми
В случае путешествия с детьми на них предоставляется такой же набор документов, что и для взрослых (включая фотографию установленного образца).

Необходимые документы:
-оригинал и копия свидетельства о рождении ребенка, не достигшего 18 лет (даже при наличии собственного внутреннего и загранпаспорта);

-справка из учебного заведения;

-спонсорское письмо от одного из родителей;

-если ребенок, не достигший 18 лет, путешествует в сопровождении одного из родителей либо третьего лица, необходимо предоставить нотариально заверенную доверенность/согласие на вывоз ребенка от остающегося/остающихся родителя/родителей и ее копию, копию страницы паспорта с данными доверителя;
-медицинская страховка. 

В случае если один из родителей получил визу ранее, нужно приложить копию этой визы и копию первой страницы загранпаспорта с личными данными.
На детей, вписанных в паспорт родителя, должна в обязательном порядке быть вклеена фотография. На детей, вписанных в загранпаспорт родителя, в этот паспорт вклеивается отдельная виза. Дети, достигшие 14 лет, должны иметь свой загранпаспорт.

Срок оформления визы в Исландию
Документы на оформление визы можно подавать на ранее чем за 3 месяца до начала поездки.

Стандартный срок оформления виз до 10 дней.
Срок оформления транзитных виз - 5 рабочих дней.

Срок действия виз при первом обращении 3-6 месяцев.
При наличии ранее выданных шенгенских виз и при условии соблюдения визового режима, визу можно запрашивать - на 1-3 года, и далее на 5 лет.
Срок пребывания в Шенгене не может превышать 90 дней в течение каждых 180 дней.

Требования к фотографиям
-размер фотографии 35х45 мм;

-фотография должна быть выполнена не ранее, чем за 6 месяцев до подачи заявления;

-четкое цветное изображение на светлом фоне;

-изображение должно занимать примерно 70%-80% снимка, расстояние от подбородка до макушки - 30 мм;

-на фотографии не должно быть овалов, рамок и уголков;

-на фотографии заявитель должен быть изображен без очков/солнцезащитных очков, шляп и платков, за исключением случаев, когда это необходимо по религиозным либо медицинским соображениям.   

Важно! Консульство оставляет за собой право потребовать дополнительные документы. 

Для иностранных граждан, проживающих в Российской Федерации:
Иностранные граждане должны предоставить документ, подтверждающий их право на проживание в Российской Федерации (вид на жительство, долгосрочная виза или регистрация ФМС по месту пребывания/проживания: оригинал и копия). Данный документ должен быть действителен в течение минимум 3 месяцев после запланированного возвращения из Шенгенской зоны, или необходимо предоставить документ, подтверждающий, что нерезидент подал запрос на продление срока действия легального нахождения в России. 

Для оформления виз получаемых впервые начиная с 14 сентября 2015 года необходимо личное присутствие заявителя в консульском учреждении или визовом центре для предоставления биометрических данных (цифровое фото и отпечатки пальцев), которые предоставляются не чаще чем 1 раз в 5 лет. 
Лица, которые получили визу после 14 сентября 2014 года и срок действия этой визы окончился, могут оформлять визы без личного присутствия в консульстве или визовом центре.

В случае необходимости сдача биометрических данных может быть проведена по месту жительства или работы заявителя (представитель выезжает на место со сканнером для снятия отпечатков пальцев). 

При оформлении виз, заявитель после подачи всех документов в нашу компанию, в течение 1-2 дней получает письмо - подтверждение о передаче документов в консульство и записи его на сдачу биометрических данных. На сдачу биометрических данных, заявитель приходит лично, только с письмом подтверждением и общегражданским паспортом (дети до 14 лет со свидетельством о рождении). Никаких документов предъявлять не требуется, все документы подтверждающие цель туристической или деловой поездки, включая заграничный паспорт, на момент сдачи биометрических данных уже находятся в консульстве или визовом центре.

В случаи если биометрические данные были сданы после 14 сентября 2015 года, но в визе было отказано или биометрические данные сдавались для оформления визы D, заявители обязаны повторно сдать биометрические данные.

Уважаемые заявители и представители туристических агентств, в настоящее время мы НЕ принимаем документы на оформление виз для уроженцев республик Северного Кавказа: Дагестан, Карачаево-Черкесия, Кабардино-Балкария, Северная Осетия, Ингушетия, Чечня, а также для граждан Южной Осетии и Республики Абхазия в связи с участившимися случаями безмотивных отказов в выдаче виз вышеуказанным категориям граждан.  

Для оформления виз гражданам СНГ (Азербайджана, Армении, Белоруссии, Казахстана, Киргизии, Таджикистана, Узбекистана, Украины) в консульском округе России (Москве), необходимо подтверждение легального проживания (вид на жительство, разрешение на временное проживание, регистрация по месту пребывания)  и наличия средств для поездки (подтверждение места работы, разрешение на работу, выписка из банка об остатке средств на счете).

При оформлении виз в консульском округе России (Москве) Граждане Белоруссии и Казахстана освобождены от необходимости оформления вида на жительство, разрешения на временное проживание и разрешения на работу в России. 
При оформлении виз в консульском округе России (Москве) Граждане СНГ имеющие разрешение на временное проживание или вид на жительство освобождены от необходимости оформления разрешения на работу.

Граждане СНГ при оформлении виз в Москве и отсутствии места работы (разрешения на работу) или отсутствия подтверждения наличия средств в банке вправе предоставить письмо о спонсорстве с приложением копии паспорта спонсора, копии свидетельства подтверждающего отношение к заявителю, подтверждение места работы и выписки о наличии средств в банке. Спонсорами по отношению друг к другу могут быть только родители, дети, бабушки и дедушки, муж и жена. Спонсорство иных лиц правового значения не имеет.

Граждане СНГ (Азербайджана, Армении, Белоруссии, Казахстана, Киргизии, Молдавии, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Узбекистана, Украины), граждане Грузии, Литвы, Латвии, Эстонии в случае отсутствия консульства на их территории вправе оформить визу в консульстве в Москве без необходимости подтверждения легального пребывания на территории России.

Стоимость оформления виз в Исландию

Пограничный контроль РФ
Гос. услуги МИД РФ
Гос. услуги Минюст РФ
Консульские конвенции
Международные соглашения
Общая консульская инструкция
Визовый Кодекс ЕС
Разрешение на въезд
Правовая помощь
Полезные ссылки
Visa for Russia
Memo to the alien
For foreign citizens