Виза в Турцию

Гражданам России для въезда в Турцию, на срок до 90 дней, виза не требуется.

Виза так же не требуется гражданам:

Для въезда в Турцию гражданам России необходимо только наличие загранпаспорта, действительного не менее 90 дней с момента окончания разрешенного срока безвизового пребывания.

В случае более длительного визита, визу необходимо оформить заранее в консульстве Турецкой Республики в Москве.

Общий срок пребывания на территории Турции не может превышать 90 дней в течение полугода.

При пересечении границы необходимо:
-загранпаспорт, действующий не менее 90 дней с момента окончания поездки и наличие в паспорте свободного места, для проставления пограничных штампов;
-подтверждение принимающей стороны либо обратный билет;
-подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств для осуществления поездки (не менее 300 долларов).

Данные документы требуются крайне редко, однако, если при проверке они будут отсутствовать, туриста могут депортировать из страны.

Оформление визы в консульстве 

Долгосрочная виза если у вас есть недвижимость в Туцрии
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-копия ТАПУ, оригинал необходимо иметь при себе во время подачи документов;
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств (из расчета, 50 долларов на день прибывания в Турции);
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Долгосрочная виза с арендой недвижимости
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-копия договора Аренды;
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней.

Рабочая виза в Турцию
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-оригинал трудового договора, заключенного с турецкой компанией;
-приглашение от работодателя, на фирменном бланке;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После подачи документов заявителю будет выдан референс номер, который он должен передать работодателю, и в течении 10 календарных дней со дня подачи документов в Консульство, работодатель должен подать документы в Министерство Труда.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 30 календарных дней. 

Виза супругам граждан Турции
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-оригинал нотариально заверенного приглашения от супруга –гражданин(а)(ки) Турции;
-копия свидетельства о заключении брака;
-копия идентификационной карты гражданина Турции;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Виза для для обучения на курсах турецкого языка.
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета, заполненая на английском, русском или турецком языке;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-оригинал нотариально заверенного приглашения от приглашающего лица, у кого заявитель будет проживать;
-приглашение от учебного заведения;
-справка о регистрации в учебном заведении;
-справка об отсутствии судимости;
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Виза для обучения в турецких школах
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-приглашение от учебного заведения;
-договор заключенный с учебным заведением;
-справка о регистрации в учебном заведении.
-справка об отсутствии судимости.
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Гостевая виза в Турцию
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-приглашение от учебного заведения;
-оригинал нотариально заверенного приглашения от приглашающего лица.
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней.

Деловая виза в Турцию
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-оригинал нотариально заверенного приглашения от турецкой компании;
-справка с места работы.
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней.

Туристическая виза в Турцию более 90 дней
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-подтверждение принимающей стороны;
-подтверждение наличия денежных средств;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Техническая виза до 90 дней
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-оригинал нотариально заверенного приглашения от турецкой компании;
-справка с места работы.
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Виза для стажировки в рамках программы AIESEC
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-приглашение от турецкой компании.
-AIESEC Acceptence Letter.
-справка от Российского AIESECа.
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней. 

Долгосрочная водительская виза в Турцию
Необходимые документы:
-визовая анкета;
-2 цветные фотографии 5х6;
-копия первой страницы загранпаспорта;
-копия водительского удостоверения с двух сторон;
-копия трудовой книжки всех страниц;
-удостоверение допуска от компании;
-договор между турецкой и российской компанией об осуществлении международных грузовых перевозках;
-медицинская справка об отсутствии ВИЧ инфекции;
-копия общероссийского паспорта с пропиской.
После получения положительного ответа в загранпаспорт вклеивания визы. Срок оформления визы до 5 дней.

Въезд в Турцию для граждан стран СНГ

-Гражданам Азербайджана, Казахстана, Таджикистана, Туркменистана и Узбекистана можно находиться в Турции без визы до 30 дней;
-Гражданам Армении и Молдовы необходимо предоставить подтверждение наличия достаточных денежных средств (из расчета 30 долларов в сутки на человека). Необходимо заранее оформить электронную визу. Лица, у которых отсутствует E-Visa, не смогут въехать в страну. Срок пребывания до 30 дней;
-Гражданам Грузии можно находится в Турции без визы до 90 дней. 

Турецкая Республика Северный Кипр (TRNC).
При въезде в Турцию с территории Северного Кипра осуществляется обычный паспортный и таможенный контроль.

За превышение срока пребывания в Турции на 15 дней без уважительных причин взимается штраф.
Если срок незаконного пребывания превышает 15 дней, при выезде из страны взымается штраф, а также запрещается въезд в страну сроком на один месяц.
В случае отказа оплатить штраф, туристу запрещается въезжать в Турцию в течение 5 лет.

Визовые режимы для следующих стран:

Afghanistan: Ordinary, Special and Service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Albania: Official passport holders, who are appointed to the diplomatic, consular missions or representations of international organizations accredited in Turkey, are exempted from visa for the period of their assignments. Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit from Turkey, up to 90 days within six months starting from the first entry date.

Algeria: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey.

Algerian: nationals aged below 18 and over 35 holding ordinary passports may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Andorra: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Angola: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single e-Visas via the website.

Antigua-Barbuda: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad or they can obtain their three month-multiple entry visas upon their arrival to Turkey at the ports of entry. 

Argentina: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Armenia: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain one-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. 

Australia: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Austria: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Azerbaijan: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa requirement for their travels to Turkey up to 30 days. Official passport holders are exempt from visa requirement for their travels up to 90 days. 

Bahamas: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Bahrain: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey and they can obtain their 90 day period multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Bangladesh: Bangladeshi nationals holding diplomatic and official/service passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions.

Barbados: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travel up to 90 days. 

Belarus: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Total period of stay should be no longer than 90 days within 1 year. 

Belgium: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Belize: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Benin: Ordinary, Special and Service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Bhutan: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can get their 15 day period visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. 

Bolivia: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 60 days. 

Botswana: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Brazil: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Brunei: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. 

Bulgaria: Diplomatic and service passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Ordinary passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Burkina Faso: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Burkinabe passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Burundi: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Cambodia: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Cameroon: Official passport (Diplomatic, Service and Special) holders and members of official delegations are exempted from visa requirements to enter into, exit from, transit through and stay temporarily in Turkey for a maximum period of 90 days, reckoned from the first entry date. Official passport (Diplomatic, Service and Special) holders, who are not members of official delegations, are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Ordinary passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Canada: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Cape Verde: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Central African Republic: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Chad: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Chile: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Peoples Republic of China: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. 

Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders can obtain their 30 days single entry e-Visas via the web site.

Colombia: Colombian nationals holding diplomatic, official and ordinary passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Comoros: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Costa Rika: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days.

Cote dIvoire: Diplomatic and service passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Croatia: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website or from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad.

Cuba: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Czech Republic: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Democratic Republic of Congo: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Denmark: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Djibouti: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Dominica: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad or they can obtain their three month-multiple entry visas upon their arrival to Turkey at the ports of entry.

Dominican Republic: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad or they can obtain their three month-multiple entry visas upon their arrival to Turkey at the ports of entry.

East Timor: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. East Timor citizens may get their 30 days single entry e-Visas via the web site.

Ecuador: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Egypt: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.
Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders may obtain their 30-day single-entry e-Visas via, provided that they have a valid Schengen or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit and that they travel to Turkey with Turkish Airlines or Egypt Air.

Besides, those ordinary passport holders who are under 20 or over 45 years old may get their 30-day single-entry e-Visas via the website.

El Salvador: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Equatorial Guinea: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Eritrea: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Estonia: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Ethiopia: Ethiopian nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Fiji: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders may obtain their one-month single-entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their 90-day multiple-entry visas from Turkish missions. 

Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Finland: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. 

France: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Gabon: Gabonese nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Gabonese passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may obtain their 30-day single-entry e-visas via the website.

Gambia: Ordinary, Special and Service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

Georgia: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Germany: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Ghana: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Greece: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Grenada: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Guatemala: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Guinea: Guinean nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Guinean passport holders who are travelling with Turkish Airlines or Pegasus Airlines with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one-month-period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Guinea-Bissau: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Guyana: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days. 
Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey and they can get their 15 day period visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. 

Greek Cypriot Administration: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Both official and ordinary passport holders may obtain their 30-day single-entry e-Visas via the website.

Haiti: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad or they can obtain their three month-multiple entry visas upon their arrival to Turkey at the ports of entry.

Honduras: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of PRC: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC: Ordinary and official “Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China ( SAR ) Passport” holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Hong Kong citizens who have "British National Overseas Passport" are subject to visa and they can obtain their three month period multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Holders of "Document of Identity for Visa Purposes-Hong Kong (D.I)" must get their visas from the Turkish diplomatic or consular missions abroad.

Hungary: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days reckoned from the date of first entry.

Iceland: Ordinary and Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

India: Diplomatic passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 90 days. Ordinary, Special and Service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary, Special and Service passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. 

Indonesia: Indonesian nationals holding diplomatic and official/service passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders can obtain their one month period entry e-Visas via the website.

Iran: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Iraq: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. 

Ireland: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain three-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Israel: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Italy: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Jamaica: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Japan: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Jordan: Diplomatic, official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months starting from the first entry date. Diplomatic and official passport holders, who are appointed to the diplomatic, consular missions or representations of international organizations accredited in Turkey, are exempted from visa for the period of their assignments. Truck and bus drivers and co-drivers, crew members of civil airplanes, trains and ships, engaged in international transport of goods and passengers, are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey, up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Kazakhstan: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. 

Kenya: Citizens of Kenya holding diplomatic, official, service and special passport are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary passport holders can get their three-month period multi entry visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. Ordinary passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Kiribati: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Kosovo: Citizens of Kosova holding diplomatic, official and ordinary passport are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Kuwait: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days within last 180 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey and they can obtain their three-month period multiple entry e-Visas via the website or from Turkish diplomatic Representations abroad.

Kyrgyzstan: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Laos: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Latvia: Ordinary passport holders are exempt from visa requirement for their travels up to 30 (thirty) days. Diplomatic, special and service passport holders are exempt from visa requirement for their travels up to 90 (ninety) days. 

Lebanon: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Diplomatic and official passport holders, who are appointed to the diplomatic, consular missions or representations of international organizations accredited in Turkey, are exempted from visa for the period of their assignments. Truck and bus drivers and co-drivers, crew members of civil airplanes, trains and ships, engaged in international transport of goods and passengers, are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey, up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Lesotho: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Liberia: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Libya: Diplomatic and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Liechtenstein: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Lithuania: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. 

Luxemburg: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Macao Special Administration: Ordinary and official Macao Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 30 days.

Macedonia: Macedonian nationals holding diplomatic, service and ordinary passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Madagascar: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Malawi: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Malaysia: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Maldives: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. 

Mali: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Malta: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. 

Marshall Islands: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Mauritania: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can their 15 day period visa from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Mauritius: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain one month multiple entry e-Visas via the website or three month period multi entry visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. 

Mexico: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 
Ordinary and service/official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Holders of such passports may get their 90-day multiple-entry visas from Turkish missions abroad or obtain their 30-day single-entry e-visas via the website.

Moldova: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the date of first entry.

Monaco: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Mongolia: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa up to 30 days for their touristic visits to Turkey.

Montenegro: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Morocco: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Mozambique: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Myanmar (Burma): Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Namibia: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Namibian nationals may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Nauru: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can get their 15 day period visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. 

Nepal: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Official passport holders can get one month period visas and ordinary passport holders can get 15 day period visas from from the Turkish diplomatic or consular missions abroad. Nepalese passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions.

Netherlands: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

New Zealand: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Nicaragua: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Niger: Nigerien nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. Nigerien passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Nigeria: Ordinary, official/service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month e-Visas via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea): Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary and Official passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry visas from Istanbul Ataturk Airport.

Northern Mariana Islands: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Norway: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website and stay in Turkey up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Oman: Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website and stay in Turkey up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Pakistan: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders with a valid Schengen, USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month single entry e-Visas via the website.

Palau Republic: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Palestine: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Only diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. 

Panama: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. Papua New Guinea: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Paraguay: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 6 months starting from the first entry date. 

Peru: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days. 

Philippines: Nationals of the Philippines holding diplomatic and official/service passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. 

Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. Holders of such passports may obtain their 30-day single-entry e-visas via the website, provided that they have a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit.

Poland: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three-month multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Portugal: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey.

As of 1 March 2013, Portuguese citizens may also use their valid national identity cards and passports which have expired within the last five years when entering Turkey for touristic purposes. They can obtain their visas through the e-visa system or upon arrival by submitting identity cards or passports expired within the last five years.

Portuguese citizens who wish to enter Turkey for other purposes such as working, transportation, education, long-term stay etc. should obtain their visas from the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Lisbon by submitting their valid passports. 

Qatar: Diplomatic, service, special and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Republic of Congo: Congolese nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Congolese passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one-month-period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Romania: Official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. 

Russian Federation: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their touristic and business travels up to 90 days. Service passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Rwanda: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

St. Christopher (St. Kitts) & Nevis: Nationals of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis holding diplomatic, official/service and ordinary passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days.

St Lucia: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month multiple entry e-Visas via the website. 

St Vincent and the Grenadines: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey and can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. They can also get their visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad or they can obtain their three month-multiple entry visas upon their arrival to Turkey at the ports of entry.

San Marino: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Sao Tome and Principe: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Saudi Arabia: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey with touristic purposes up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain their three month period multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

Senegal: Senegalese nationals holding diplomatic passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Official/service and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. Senegalese passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Serbia: Diplomatic, official and ordinary passport holders and holders of travel document are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Diplomatic and official passport holders, who are appointed to the diplomatic, consular missions or representations of international organizations accredited in Turkey, are exempted from visa for the period of their assignments. Truck and bus drivers and co-drivers, crew members of civil airplanes, trains and ships, engaged in international transport of goods and passengers, are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey, up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Seychelles: Seychelles nationals holding diplomatic, official and ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Sierra Leone: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Singapore: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Slovakia: Ordinary passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels to Turkey with touristic purposes up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Official passport holders are exempt from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. 

Slovenia: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey with touristic purposes up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 90 days within six months. 

Solomon Islands: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can get their 15 day period visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad.

Somalia: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

South Africa: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three-month period multiple entry visas from Turkish representations abroad or one month period single entry visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days.

Republic of Korea (South Korea): Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

South Sudan: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary, service and special passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Spain: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Sri Lanka: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Sudan: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels and transit to/from Turkey up to 90 days within 180 days, starting from the first entry date. Ordinary, service and special passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Surinam: Diplomatic, official and ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey.

Surinamese nationals may obtain their 30-day single-entry e-visas via the website. 

Swaziland: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Sweden: Official and Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days within 180 days starting from the first entry date. 

Switzerland: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Syria: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey.

Taiwan: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders may get their single entry e-Visas valid for one month via the website, provided that they meet certain conditions.

Tajikistan: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 30 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 90 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. Service passport holders, who are appointed to the diplomatic, consular missions or representations of international organizations accredited in Turkey, are exempted from visa for the period of their assignments. Service passport holders, who are not appointed to Turkey, are exempted from visa for their travels with touristic purposes and transit from Turkey, up to 60 days within six months, starting from the first entry date. 

Tanzania: Tanzanian nationals holding diplomatic and service passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Thailand: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Togo: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Tonga: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Trinidad and Tobago: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Tunisia: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa. 

Turkmenistan: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempt from visa requirement for their travels to Turkey up to 30 days. 

Tuvalu: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Uganda: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Ukraine: Ukrainian nationals holding diplomatic and official/service passport are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 60 days.

United Arab Emirates: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can obtain their three-month period multiple entry e-Visas via the website.

United Kingdom: Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. Ordinary, service and special passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders (British citizens) can obtain three month-multiple entry e-Visas via the website. UK passports holders with “British National Overseas", “British Subject” and “British Protected Person” nationality are subjected to visa and they can only get their visas from the Turkish diplomatic or consular missions abroad.

United States of America: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. They can obtain three month-multiple entry visas from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad and also via the website.

Uruguay: Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Uzbekistan: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa requirement for their travels to Turkey up to 30 days. Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels to Turkey up to 90 days. Service and special passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Vanuatu: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Ordinary passport holders can get their 15 day period visa from Turkish diplomatic representations abroad. 

Vatican (Holy See): Ordinary and official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Venezuela: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days in each six-month period. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days.

Vietnam: Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 90 days. 

Western Samoa: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. 

Yemen: Official passport holders are exempted from visa for their travels up to 30 days. Ordinary passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website. 

Zambia: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. Zambian nationals may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Zimbabwe: Ordinary and official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Turkey. These passport holders with a valid Schengen members or USA, UK, Ireland visa or residence permit may get their one month period single entry e-Visas via the website.

Стоимость оформления виз в Турцию

Пограничный контроль РФ
Гос. услуги МИД РФ
Гос. услуги Минюст РФ
Консульские конвенции
Международные соглашения
Общая консульская инструкция
Визовый Кодекс ЕС
Разрешение на въезд
Правовая помощь
Полезные ссылки
Visa for Russia
Memo to the alien
For foreign citizens